Andy Imagine: Dance, Dance

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Homecoming was something you never wanted to go to. But here you are, in a nice little black dress with your friends. You were here because your friend, Jane, who scored a date with your other friend Pete, wanted you to come and have fun.

And here you were, hanging out by the punch table with Patrick.

"You look amazing, (Y/N)," Patrick said while you clutched your empty cup. "Too bad you don't have a date."

"You're sweet, Patrick, you really are. But you know how much I like someone," you sighed as you looked towards Joe's and Andy's direction.

Joe was pushing Andy towards a girl's way, but the look on his face said that he didn't want to do this.

"I know, I know," Patrick said while copying your tone of voice, "But Joe's been trying to hook him up with other girls, especially tonight."

You placed your bent cup down on the table and faced Patrick. He gave you a shy and nervous look, but his expression lit up as he looked towards the bleachers.

"(Y/N), Andy's by himself. Here's your chance."

You turned around and saw Andy sitting on the bleachers, reading a comic book. "Patrick, I can't leave you here."

"Go," he said while turning you around and shoving you in Andy's direction. "I'll be fine."

You flattened your dress and started to go, but you were shoved into the crowd of dancing students.

"Hey! Excuse me! Pardon! Move!" You yelled trying to make it out of the horde and back to the bleachers.

You bumped into someone and fell down to the ground. "Watch it, loser!"

You got back up and made your way back to the bleachers where Andy was still reading. You sighed and sat next to him, but he still looked at his comic.

"So, you like homecoming?" You asked, making him put his book down.

"It's fine," he shrugged. "Could be better."

"I'm sorry for distracting you. I just needed someone to talk to after I got caught in the horde of students," you said quietly while messing with your fingernails.

"No, you're fine. I've read this issue many times now."

You both sat in silence while looking at the hardwood gym floor. You glanced up for a second and Patrick was giving you a thumbs up.

"Listen, Andy-"

"I need to tell you something-"

You both laughed as you both talked at the same time. "Go, Andy."

"I-I think you look amazing tonight."

You smiled wide but it was a fake one. You thought that he was going to say that he liked you too, but I guess not.

"Thanks, Andy."

"What were you going to say?" He asked while pushing his glasses up. You've noticed that his usually long hair was pulled into some type of bun. You think that it suited him very well.

"Forget it, it's not important."

"Not as important as your feelings towards me?" Andy asked, causing you to open your mouth in shock. "I know because Patrick told me."

"I-I have to go look for Jane. Bye, Andy," you said frantically while getting up, but Andy pulled you back down.

"No, (Y/N), I like you too, you know. Not every single crush you have is one-sided."

"True," you chuckled. "So I guess that means that we're-?"

"I mean, I guess. I don't know how this works."

"There he is!" You heard Joe yell, causing you to roll your eyes.

"Hey, Andy! Want to go see if we can hook up with more chicks?" Joe asked.

"No, Joe," Andy sighed.

Joe finally saw you and smiled. "Oh, I see. Have fun you two!"

"It's boring here," you sighed.

"Want to grab Patrick and head to the arcade?"

"Do I?!"

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