Vampire!Pete Imagine: Love Sucks 2

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"Stay safe, Pete," you said while smiling at him.

"I will."


You locked the door as soon as Pete left. You decided to explore the place as they were gone. You walked by four bedrooms, a bathroom, a training area, a living room, an area which had instruments, basically it's a place where you want to live in. You ran to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. You still had a reflection, but it was different, your skin was lighter than usual, there was dark rings under your eyes, wait, those were always there. Nevermind. You looked around and saw many razors, hair gel, an eyeliner pencil, shaving creme. Basically men stuff, except for the eyeliner, it belongs to Pete. While you left the bathroom, there was a knock on the door. You looked out the peep hole, and there was a guy in a black bowler hat. You did not answer it and ran to the training room and grabbed a sword, in case that dude came in.

"Motherfucker, come at me bro," you beared your fangs. The knocking stopped after that, and there was a loud bang coming from one of the bedrooms. You took your chance and ran outside. The sun was still to rise and you tried looking for main street until you saw a car with the same design as the necklace on the hood.

"What are you doing?" Patrick asked.

You opened up the back door and pushed the man, Joe, over.

"There's someone in there. A man with a black hat," you said while panting. Patrick and Pete looked at each other.

"Beckett," Pete hissed.

"We gotta go," Andy said.

Patrick didn't hesitate getting back. As soon as we did, they all grabbed their weapons. Pete was about to go in, but you grabbed his arm.

"Stay with me."

"(Y/N), I gotta go. We'll be fine. You're going to be fine. Stay in the car," he said while removing your hand and planting a kiss on your cheek.

Pete ran in and you locked the car. You stayed in the floor in case he sees you. You felt like you were in there for days. You were halfway asleep when you heard voices.

"(Y/N)!" Patrick yelled. You got up, unlocked the car and got out.

"What is it?" You said.

"It's Pete," he said but you didn't give him time to finish. You ran inside and found Pete in the training room, blood coming from his side.

"Pete!" You yelled. You ran to his side and held him.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry I was rude to you, I'm sorry I made you this way," he said with tears on the edge of his eyes.

"It's alright, Pete. You'll be fine."

"He stabbed me with a steak, that son of a bitch," he hissed.

"But you're going to be fine!" You yelled while tears fell from your eyes.

"I wish I got to say this earlier, but I love you," he said in a whisper while tears fell from his eyes.

"I love you too, Pete, stay with me. Come on Pete, hang in there," you begged.

He brought your head down and pulled you into a kiss. He pulled apart and smiled.

"I love you, (Y/N)," he repeated in a silent whisper. He closed his eyes and went limp. He was dead. You let out a scream and held the body close to you.

"Pete!" You screamed.

Patrick came inside and pulled you away.

"He's a vampire! He has to be stabbed in the heart!" You said.

"I'm sorry," Patrick said while hugging you.

"What happened to that bastard anyways?" You asked.

"He got away. I'm sorry (Y/N)."

After that day, you swore to kill Beckett and his entire clan in Pete's name. Pete loved you, and you were willing to make the person who killed him suffer.

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