Demon!Patrick Imagine: Date Problems

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"(Y/N)," your dad called, "Patrick's here!"

"Coming," you called as you put the cap back on your lipstick. Tonight you were going on a date with Patrick. The thing about Patrick was, well he wasn't exactly human. He's a demon, that was triggered to kill whenever he heard music, so you had to be very careful with him.

You ran downstairs and was greeted by a smiley Pat.

"Ready?" He asked while holding your hand.

"Yep! I'll see you later, Dad," you called while closing the door. "Did you wear your hand?" You asked.

"Yes," he said while holding his fake hand.

"You can put your hook back on it you want. I mean it feels a lot more comfortable."

"Thanks," he sighed while removing the hand and slipping his hook back on.

"No problem, Pat," you said while kissing his cheek.

You both walked down to a local pizza shop. You want inside to order while Pat waited outside because there was a jukebox that was always playing.

"Ok, here's your Coke," you said while sitting his cup down. "And a large pepperoni pizza for the both of us."

"You're a real doll," he said while giving his signature smile that makes your heart melt.

"And you're my demon, my one and only," you said before biting into your pizza. As soon as you were done with your first slice, some idiot had his radio in the car turned all the way up, with his windows down, triggering Patrick.

He stood up and yelled and went towards the car.

"Patrick!" You yelled as you pulled on his arm.

He turned at you and snarled, but he realized that it was you, and his look softened. His blueish green eyes now a golden yellow.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"It's ok, you big dork," you said while you kissed his cheek. "Now let's finish this pizza."

You walked him back over to the curb and layed your head down on his lap. He looked at you and raised one eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" He asked while picking up a slice of pizza.

"Being your little angel," you chuckled. "But really I'm tired."

"We've been out for five minutes!" He said.

"And? I get tired easily."

"Fine," he said while giving you a kiss. "But don't fall asleep. I don't think I'll be able to carry you," he said while holding up his hook. "Don't want my girl to get stabbed."

You have out a laugh. "You can stab me and I'll thank you for it."

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