Patrick Imagine: Babydoll

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"Whatcha doing, babydoll?" Patrick said while plopping down right next to you on the couch.

"Trying to figure out why you started calling me babydoll," you said while poking his cheek.

"Can't I just call my beautiful wife babydoll?"


"Why not?" He whined.

"Because I said so."

"Come on pumpkin."





You shook your head.

"Beautiful wife?"

You thought about it for a second and nodded.

"Alright then, my beautiful wife, why don't we hit the hay. We got a huge today tomorrow."

"You know we do," you said while kissing him.

As you followed Patrick up the stairs, you heard him say something.

"She doesn't like babydoll," he mumbled.

"You know what, Pat, maybe I do like babydoll," you said making him jump a bit.

"Good because saying beautiful wife can get tiring," he said while kissing your cheek.

Sorry it's short, we're going camping today so I gotta get dem imagines done.

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