Patrick Imagine: I Thought I Loved Her But It's Just How She Looked In The Light

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You were interrupted by a loud knocking on your door.

"Coming!" You yelled with a mouthful of popcorn.

You opened up the door and saw a sad Patrick waiting out in the rain.

"Hey, Trick, come on in," you said while moving out of the way. He gave you a sad smile and entered your apartment.

"Do you mind if I crash here for a bit?" He asked silently.

"No, of course not, stay as long as you like. Did something happen?" You asked him while sitting down on the couch, Patrick following your lead.

"She cheated on me. She said that I was gaining weight and she cheated on me."

You knew Patrick was talking about his girlfriend, well, ex-girlfriend. You hated her to be honest, she was using him for attention. You knew he deserves someone better.

"She never needed you anyways, you were too good for her."

Patrick let out a sad sigh and looked at you, "But I loved her, (Y/N), I really did. She took my love and tossed it away like it was nothing."

You hugged the boy beside you, comforting him as he did you so many times in the past.

"Want to watch Ghostbusters? I know how much you love that movie."

"You know me so well, (Y/N)," Patrick said while smiling.


You could hear Patrick snoring from your room, but it didn't distract you. You couldn't sleep so you were just thinking.

You and Patrick were the definition of best friends. It was that way since the two of you could walk. You've done everything together, but only being friends had a stopping point and here it was.

Yes, you fell for the socially awkward boy with blue eyes and sideburns. You were jealous over his ex, but you couldn't tell him that. You couldn't risk losing the friendship you had with Patrick, so you kept quiet about everything.

"Hey, you awake?" You heard a voice say from the doorframe.

"Yeah, you need something?" You asked while looking at your clock. The time read two a.m.

"Do you have an extra blanket, it's cold in the living room."

"Yeah, sure," you said while getting out of your bed and pulling the blanket off, giving it to Patrick.

"Oh, I can't take your blanket," he said while trying to give it back.

Another reason why you fell for him, he has the biggest and kindest heart.

"I have more in my closet, it's fine. I'll see you in the morning," you said while shoving the blanket in his face and going back to your bed.

But you didn't move forward, you turned and saw Patrick's blue eyes staring at you.

"Please, take your blanket back, it's not worth it if your freezing."

"Just take the damn blanket, Stump," you hissed.

He sighed and let go of your wrist, "Alright, fine, goodnight, (Y/N)."

"Night, Patrick."


You screamed. That's how you woke up was by screaming Bloody Mary.

"(Y/N)?!" Patrick yelled while running into your room. "What happened?!"

You sat up and tried to remember the nightmare you just had, but the only thing you saw was those blue eyes losing their light and their color.

"Nothing, it's fine. What time is it?"

"Four in the morning," Patrick said while shooting you a smile and you groaned.

"Curse these nightmares, they always wake up at the weirdest and ungodliest hours," you sighed as you fell back onto your bed.

"(Y/N), I'm going to stay in here," Patrick said sternly, "You're not sleeping well and you still don't have a blanket."

You wanted to protest but Patrick was giving you a mix between a glare and puppy eyes and also you didn't care because you were too tired.

"Fine, get in here."

You saw his face light up and he came rushing in. You moved over and Patrick took your previous spot.

This wasn't weird for the two of you because of many late nights at each other's houses, playing instruments or studying, but it was weird for you now. Now you really love Patrick, then you only loved him as a friend.

"Let's not forget about the blanket," he sang while tossing the blanket up in the air, making you laugh.


Usually waking up next to your best friend there would be a gap between you and him. Usually.

You felt his arms around your waist and you were as red as Pete's bass. You heard his soft breathing beside you, as his head was in the crook of your neck.

This felt so wrong.

But it felt so right.

"You're awake," he whispered causing you to jump a bit.

"So are you, Cuddlebug," you chuckled.

Patrick realized what you said and backed away.

"I am so sorry, I thought you were her and I didn't know what I was doing."

"Chill," you said calmly while rolling over to face him. "I know you didn't mean it like that."

"Your eyes say otherwise."


"Your eyes are saying the exact opposite of what you mean," he said while getting closer to you. "You wanted it to be in another way, but you're refusing to say it."

You scoffed, "No, I don't. I know we're just friends, that's all. You'll find the right girl for you, Trick, and I'll find the right person for me. But this," you signaled the two of you by moving your finger back and forth, "This can't work. We're friends and that's it!"

"Who says that we can't change that?"

"I do!" You yelled while wiping a stray tear away from your face, "I'm the one who says that we can't change it! If only you loved me as much as I love you!"

"But I do," he said while placing his hand on your shoulder but you pulled away.

"No, Patrick! You don't understand how I feel about you! You'll never understand how I fell in love with your eyes, how I fell in love with your personality and not your looks! You'll never, ever understand, Patrick Stump because you don't like me like that. You said that you still loved her, so why don't you go back to her and leave me here."

"You're right," he said sadly, "I would never understand because I feel something so much more. I feel so much more spark. Yes, I did say that I loved her, but that was yesterday. Today is a new day and I don't love her anymore. I love my best friend more than anyone in the world. I love you, (Y/N)."

You always wanted to hear those words, but for some reason, they felt wrong. He gave you these big sad eyes, hoping for a response, but you turned away and got out of bed.

"You can't. You love her."

You heard his footsteps behind you, but you still faced in the opposite direction.

"That happened a week ago."

"W-what?" You asked while finally facing him.

"I found out that she was cheating on me a week ago. For a week, I was sad and all alone at home. I began thinking about someone else. I was in love with her, but something was missing. She never thought the way you did, she never did stupid things as you did. She wasn't you. Maybe I loved her because the way she looked in the light. I needed someone better. I needed you.

You ran over and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on top of yours. "I'm guessing you're going to accept this."

"More than anything in the world. It's all I wanted to hear."

He chuckled and planted a kiss on top of your head.

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