Patrick Imagine: Making Boys Next Door Out Of Assholes

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Patrick Martin Stump. Lead singer of Fall Out Boy. Your next door neighbor. Any girl would love to be next door neighbors with the Patrick Stump, but you really didn't like it.

He was playing with his band again, and their amps turned up all the way, making your headache worse than it was. You would always walk over to his house and scream at him for being too loud. Which you felt sorry for because he was just trying to practice, but having the amps turned up that loud, that was not okay.

You groaned as you fell off of the couch and layed in the floor. You finally gave up and went over to his house. As you got closer, the louder it got, and it was pretty loud in your house. You stormed in the garage and unplugged all the amps, causing the guitars to go out.

"Stump!" You yelled, causing the tiny man to jump and turn around. "This is the last time I have to come over here! How many times do I have to come over and unplug these amps?" You yelled at him.

You saw the man in the trucker hat hang his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry (Y/N)," he said. "We'll be quiet."

"Thank you, Patrick. Now I don't want to be over here unless I'm invited," you said while walking out of the garage and propping yourself against the side as you rubbed your temple.

"Patrick, your plan works every time," a man said.

"No shit shurlock," he said while laughing.

"She is cute," a soft voice said.

"And she's extreamly hot when she's pissed," another boy said.

"I know," Patrick sighed. "She's amazing. Why do you think I get her over here? I get

You walked back to the garage and crossed your arms.

"Who said that?!" You yelled while crossing your arms.

The three boys pointed to the boy with the bass.

"I don't know who you are, but never ever call me hot! Got it?" You yelled while he smirked.

"No problem, sugar," he said with that stupid smirk still on his face.

"You're the worst," you mumbled while rubbing your temple. "I'll see you later, Trick."

"You too (Y/N), he said while waving at you.

As you walked home, you couldn't help but to smile at what the little man said about you.

The doorbell rang, causing you to fall off the couch. You ran to the door and opened it. Outside, you saw your neighbor smiling at you.

"Hey (Y/N), sorry about today," he said while looking at you.

"Which part?" You asked with a heavy amount of sass.

"Everything. Well mostly Pete, he can get a little crazy."

"That's fine. Sorry about screaming at you, I had a terrible headache and got annoyed very quickly."

"Yeah," he chuckled, "About that. I, um, I kinda wanted you to come over."

You smiled at his adorableness.

"So all of that commotion, just so you could see lil ol' me."

He nodded and looked at you. "And maybe tomorrow night we can go get some pizza?" He asked.

"Sure, it's a date. I'll see you tomorrow, Trick," you said while waving and closing the door.

You learned how to make boys next door out of assholes, and boy was it great.

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