Joe Imagine: Hanahaki Disease

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A fictional disease, where the victim regurgitates and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from unrequited love.

There you saw him with Marie (no hate irl tho Marie is lovely). You felt sad and alone now. You fell in love with Joe at a party, but you were "just friends". And that's all you'll ever will be.

"Hey (Y/N), you all right?" Your friend asked.

"Yeah I'm fine," you lied. "I'm gonna go home."

You ran off and made it to your apartment in no time, slamming the door behind you. You tried to erase everything from your mind until you got a phone call from the devil himself.

"What do you want?" You asked.

"Why did you leave?" He asked.

"It's none of your concern," you said before coughing. You looked in your hand and saw rose petals.

"Yeah, it's my concern! You just ran away!"

"Joe, it's none of your concern," you said while coughing again. This time it was tulip petals.

"I'm coming over," he said.

"Joe, no." You said while trying to stop him but he hung up.

"Damn it!" You yelled while coughing again. A bunch of flower petals came from your mouth. You ran and locked your door as more flower petals came from your mouth. All you could do was cough petals. Soon someone was banging at your door.

"(Y/N)!" Joe yelled.

You couldn't talk to him. You were physically incapable to talk. Five minutes later, Joe ran to you as you coughed up more petals.

"(Y/N)." He picked you up and took you to the E.R.

Soon as you got there, a nurse out you on a stretcher and took you into a room. Joe followed behind.

"What's going on?" He asked a nurse.

"Hanahaki disease. It's where the person coughs up flowers petals when the suffer unrequited love," he said. "We can either do surgery on her, which will cause all the feelings for that person to go away, or let her one sided lover admit that they love her and the flowers will die."

A sudden realization waved over Joe. You loved him. And you might die because of him. He was the one sided love. He was the cause of all of this. Joe ran into your room and saw you with flower petals around your bed.

"I was so stupid!" He said with his voice cracking causing you to wake up.

"Of course you realize when I'm dying," you laughed causing more flowers to come up.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I wish I realized sooner," he cried.

"You have Marie. You love her."

"No I don't! I did that to get you jealous and now you're dying because of me."

"Really? All of that? For me?"

"Yes! (F/N) (L/N) I really do truly love you."

As he said those words, your lungs felt like they weren't being crushed. You weren't puking up flowers. You were basically cured by the curly haired man that is your love.

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