Patrick Imagine: Flower Emergency

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This is another thing I found off of Tumblr where your flowershop has a banner that says "How mad is she?" and it shows bouquets of flowers from 1-9

The shop was slow, like always. Only one person was looking at flowers and you were dozing off on the counter, your head sliding off of your hand. All of the sudden there was a huge bang, scaring you awake. In the door was a cute guy in a fedora.

"Welcome, sir, how may I help you?" You asked.

"I need a number nine," he said in between breaths.

You heart stopped and you realized what he said.

"Sir, are you sure?" You asked quickly.

"I need a number nine," he repeated again.

"R-right away, sir," you said while running into the back and grabbed some flowers and ribbon.

"It should be ready in an hour. Do you want to wait here?"

He nodded and sighed. "Yeah, I'll do that."

You began working on the number nine bouquet.

"She must be really pissed at something."

"Oh yeah. She's mad because I'm in a band and been on tour for three months and complaining because I'm not paying attention to her."

"Well it's not really your fault."

"That's what I told her. She knew what she was getting into when she asked me out."

"What band are you in?" You asked while getting more flowers from the back.

"Fall Out Boy," he said.

"Your band is pretty good. I'm not a huge fan but I still listen."

"I'm Patrick."

"Y/N," you said while looking up and smiling at him.

"I'm going to go get some coffee across the steet," he said while pointing to the coffee shop.

"Don't get lost," you chuckled.

You went to get some more flowers and the bell rang.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" You asked.

You looked up and saw a very pissed off girl with black curly hair.

"Have you seen my boyfriend?" She asked.

"No, ma'am. What does he look like?"

"Short, fedora, cardigan, nerdy glasses," she said.

"No ma'am, haven't seen him since he ordered," I lied.

"Well tell him it's over and I never want to see him again," she said before storming out the door.

Right after that Patrick came inside holding two coffees and two muffins. He sat a cup and a muffin down next to you.

"Here you go," he said while smiling at you.

"Patrick, you didn't have to do that."

"Well it's a number nine bouquet, it's at least I can do while you're working away on that."

"Your girlfriend came in, she left a message for you."

"Oh boy, let me hear it," he groaned.

"She said that it's over and she never wants to see you again."

"Wow, I guess I made you make that huge thing for nothing," he chuckled.

"Well give it to someone that you want to date. I mean they're absolutely gonna fall in love with this," you said while holding up the multicolored bouquet.

"Good idea. How much?"

"$119.25," you said while ringing it up. He gave you $200 and told you to keep the change. You watched as the tiny man walk away from the store, which made your heart shatter.

A few hours later, it was closing time, but you didn't know that because you fell asleep. As you lightly snored, someone with a large bouquet of flowers came in, making the bell ring and causing you to get up.

"I'm up! I'm up! Don't fire me, I need this job so I can pay for my stupid apartment!" You said while panicing. (Panic! In The Flower Shop) You looked up and saw Patrick trying not to laugh.

"Laugh all you want. Besides, didn't work out?" You asked.

"Never got to ask her," he said. "(Y/N), I absolutely adore you and since you slaved away making this beautiful masterpiece, I want to give it to someone that is even more beautiful."

"Patrick," you breathed.

"Will you take this large ass bouquet and be my girlfriend?" He asked.

You quickly nodded and hugged the man.

"I know I'll be touring a lot and have most days in the studio, but I promise that I'll love you and pay attention to you every moment I get."

"I love you, Patrick."

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

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