Pref #10: He Has Nightmares

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He watched as you left with your bags, his heart shattering in pieces as you got into your car and drove off, going away from Patrick. You two were supposed to get married, have a family, but no you found someone better.


Patrick woke up to a pitch dark room and with you beside him. Of course, you're not leaving him, you would never. But that didn't stop Patrick from having bad dreams about it.

Patrick sighed and wrapped his arm around you. He placed a light kiss on your neck, causing you to wake up.

"What?" You asked tiredly, turning your head behind you to barely look at him.

"Did I mention that I love you, very much?" Patrick said quietly.

"Every day," you mumbled tiredly.

"You're not going to leave me, are you?"

"Patrick, the only leaving I'll do is leaving to go down and sleep on the couch if you don't shut up and let me sleep."

"Ok, ok," Patrick said with a smile.


"Where's my wife?!" Pete yelled frantically while running towards the nurse's station.

"I can't let you go back, she's still in critical condition," the nurse told him.

Pete's anxiety kicked in as he felt his heart shatter. He slowly sat down in a chair and as soon as he did, the doctor came out.

"Pete Wentz?"

Pete stood up and went to the doctor. The doctor let out a sigh, "I hate to inform you, but your wife, (Y/N) passed away."


Pete gasped and sat up. He was getting misty-eyed but wasn't crying.

"Pete, what's wrong?" You asked while sitting up.

"You're not dead!" Pete yelled while hugging you. "You're not dead. You-you're not dead."

"No, I'm not. That nightmare must've been bad."

"I guess it was," Pete said while pulling back. "That was insane."

"Yeah, it's not every night you wake up gasping. Now I'm going back to sleep."

"Me too," Pete sighed.


Joe saw you, but he couldn't talk to you, no matter how much he tried.

He saw that you were crying, something that he hated seeing you do.

"(Y/N), hey, baby, what's wrong?" Joe asked, but you ignored him.

He looked down at your phone, the news article lit up your screen.

Fall Out Boy's Guitarist Joe Trohman Found Dead


Joe opened up his eyes. He wasn't used to having nightmares, but he did know when to keep calm because you were sleeping next to him.

Joe pulled you close and he placed his head in the crook of your neck, "I'm not leaving you, (Y/N). Don't worry about that."

He planted a kiss behind your ear and went back to sleep.


"Do you have to go?" You asked through the screen.

"I do," Andy sighed, "Duty calls."

Andy gave you the last goodbye wave as you disconnected.

The war has been going on for years, and Andy has been there for day one.

He left to do lookout, wearing everything he needed to be protected, but it wasn't enough.

Andy heard a beeping noise, then an explosion.


Andy woke up in a cold sweat, and it woke you up too.

"You were whimpering, are you alright?" You asked frantically.

"I-I'm fine, just a nightmare," Andy reassured.

You grabbed his hand and laid down, "You're going to be just fine, Andy. You're strong and do Crossfit, you can beat anything."

"I guess," Andy sighed and laid back down, his hand in yours. 

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