Joe Imagine: Let's Meet In The Purgatory Of My Hips

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Parties. You hated them. Loud pop music, alcohol, drugs, flashing lights, social interaction, basically everything you hated. You stayed in a dark corner, by the bathroom, watching all the wasted and drunk people fall over trying to dance.

"Haven't seen you here before?" Someone asked. You looked up and saw a man with curly brown hair and baby blue eyes. He didn't look that bad.

"I never actually come to these frat parties. Why did I come tonight? I don't fucking know," you said making the man laugh.

"I'm Joe Trohman," he said while holding out his hand. "Guitarist for the band Fall Out Boy."

"I'm (F/N) (L/N)," you said while taking it. "Normal, ordinary, ugly, girl."

"I wouldn't say that. I only talk to hot girls."

"Sorry bub, wrong girl," you said with disappointment.

"Sorry gal, you're wrong," he said while taking your hand. "Let's dance."

"Joe, I really don't want to."

"It's fine. Just sway to the beat."

You nodded and followed him. A really catchy song came on.

I'm a young one stuck in the thoughts of an old ones head

You started swaying to the beat.

"There you go!" Joe cheered.

My head's in heaven, my soles are in hell, let's meet in the purgatory of our hips and get well

Joe grabbed you by the hand and spun you.

"Mister Trohman!" You shrieked as he dipped you and was an inch away from your face.

Hurry, hurry, you put my head in such a flurry, flurry. Freckle, freckle what makes you so special?
What makes you so special?

"What is this song?" You asked Joe while stopping.


"w.a.m.s? What does that stand for?"

"Waiter, actress, model, singer. It's a song we worked on."

"It's great. Wanna grab a drink and get out of here?" You asked while walking him up to the beer table.


You grabbed two solo cups of beer and headed out. Luckily there was a park bench not far away. You sat on the bench and Joe followed.

"Here," you said while handing him a cup that was slightly fuller than yours.

"Not a fan of alcohol?" He asked before taking a drink of his.

"Not really. Occasionally I'll have a drink here and there."

"Playing it safe, I like it."

"Joe tonight was really great," you said while smiling at him. A light breeze made your hair sway while looking at the curley haired man. "Maybe we can do it again."

"Yeah. Maybe we can. Just not at a frat party," he said while laughing.

"Yeah. Sometime next week?" You asked.

"Yeah. Can't promise I won't take you to practice on a date."

"That would be legit. I would get to see your friends and watch them play."

"Yeah. Here's my number," he said while giving you his phone. You put it in yours and texted him.

(Y/N): Thanks Joey 😊

Joey: No problem. Can I ask you a question?

(Y/N): How about we talk about it, right now?

You put your phone back in your pocket and looked at him.

"Go ahead," you said eagerly.

"This may seem weird and uncomfortable, if it is just sat no, alright? Um, can I kiss you?" He asked nervously.

"Yes!" You yelled.

"Great," he said while cupping your face and kissing you. He was not drunk, perfectly sober. He really did love you and vice versa.

He pulled away and looked at you. "I gotta go. Text me, or call, doesn't matter." He said while getting up.

"Goodbye Joey!" You said while waving at him. Soon your phone buzzed and you want to see what it was.

1 new voice mail from Joey

You opened it and listened to it.

Hey (Y/N), so your probably wondering why I left a voice mail in your phone. Well, this is a message in case you ever felt lonely or sad. Just remember I love you (Y/N) and I'll always be there. Goodnight, love.

You smiled and opened up your messages and texted Joe.

(Y/N): I love you too, Joe.

Joey: I see you got my message 😊

(Y/N): Yeah. It was super adorable. Almost made me cry 😢😄

Joey: I'm sorry, but it's the truth.

(Y/N): I know. I'll text you tomorrow, or later, depends if I can sleep.

Joey: Alright. Goodnight, darling.

(Y/N): Goodnight Joey.

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