Andy Imagine: My Hero Does Weights

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"Come on, (Y/N)!" Andy yelled while you groaned behind him.

"No, I don't want to go to the gym, that place is my enemy."

"It's either the gym or Pete's place, you choose," he said while holding out his tattooed hand so you could grab it.

"I'll go with you," you sighed while taking his hand, "But I'm not working out."

"And I'll get you a cinnamon roll when we leave."

"You sure do know how to win a girl's heart," you sighed romantically as the two of you walked into the gym.

There was a bunch of equipment that you didn't even know the name of. There were a few guys in there, but they were too busy working out to notice.

"Come along, Pond," Andy yelled while heading towards some dumbells. {This is a Doctor Who reference.}

You sighed and went over just to watch. By watching, you mean scrolling through social media and posting videos of Andy because you want to give the people what they want.

"Hey, you lost or something?" A voice said.

You looked up and saw a man with a towel around his neck.


"Well I thought that you should be in my bedroom. What's your name, baby?"

"Taken. Bye-bye!" You said while returning back to Instagram, but he swiped your phone. "Hey, give it back, asshole!"

"Not until you're mine," he hissed.

"Fuck you," you spat while trying to get your phone back, which you did.

"(Y/N), where did you go?" You heard Andy sigh.

"Over here, babe!" You yelled while smirking at the man.

"Come on, that don't mean shit," the guy huffed.

"There you are, want to go get those cinnamon rolls now?"

"Hell yeah!" You yelled while getting up and running over to Andy.

"That guy doesn't believe we're dating. He tried to hit on me," you whispered.

"Alright then," Andy said like he didn't head a word you said. Then he kissed you and took your hand. "Cinnamon rolls here we come!"

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