《Chapter 29》What The Fuck Just Happened

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Essie POV

"Hey, I called you like a million times last night," I reminded Kelsey as she walked by me after second period. She shrugged, holding back a smile. I noticed her rigid position, she was hiding something, I know this girl too well...

I stopped walking, and she did the same, confused.

"You look different," I rose an eyebrow at Kels. She seemed to be very calm, very... happy. Her eyes seemed to gleam a little more, and her skin had a little more color to it. I looked down at her outfit, her typical blouse with a blue cardigan, tights and boots.

I looked up at her neck, and found... I let out a gasp in surprise, and she widened her eyes.

"What?" she asked frantically, sending her hands over her backpack...

I quickly shuffled closer to her, inspecting the large darkened bruise. My eyes were opened in shock, my mouth dropping as it hit me...

" Is that a hickey?" I sent my finger to her neck, and quickly touched it, something a little kid always does when he finds something interesting. Kelsey flinched, pulling away from me.

"Ow! Essie, w-what are you talking about?" she stuttered, not daring to look at me as she tried to cover it with her cardigan. I tried to put the pieces together.

I read on some sight that when your skin glows, it could be because you had se- that explains why she didn't pick up my calls last night!

I sent my hand over my mouth, and Kelsey stared at me, bewildered.

"Did Liam and you-"

"No..." she let this weird pitch slip out. I closed my eyes into slits, a smirk appearing on my face. Oh Kelsey, you suck at lying. I just continued to glare at her, and her face reddened in panic. She then let out a deep breath, dropping her head in defeat.

"Oh my god. You guys did!! Ahh!!" I squealed, jumping up in down with surprise. I know I shouldn't be so happy, but it was just so cute.. It's like they were meant to be..

"Be quiet, Essie," she hissed, not being able to hold back her smile. "Now get to class, I need to go to AP Bio," she waved me off. I rolled my eyes, before stopping at the door, turning to her and winking.

"I'm not finished with you," I smiled, and Kels laughed, rolling her eyes before looking at her phone, then rushing away in a hurry..


I sat in my seat, sketching out my warm up quickly. I like Art class.. One of the few classes I truly enjoy with passion. As I painted our free-style assignment, I began to think about Kelsey, and my smile disappeared as I noticed the lack of information on her health..

She usually tells me everything, and she has not said a single thing since the time she went to the hospital. It's been a few months since Kelsey told me that they gave her a little less than a year and a half, and it's already been almost six months...

I sighed, suddenly feeling like crying... before I tried to wipe the thought away. She seems better, maybe she's getting better, maybe the doctors are dumb asses who don't know what they're saying.. Yeah, I'll stick to that.

I quickly looked down at my phone under the desk to keep my mind busy. I looked through my twitter for a bit, before some random tweet reminded me about Niall.. I was thinking so much about my friend that I forgot about my boyfriend... who's in the same class as me.

I turned around to find Niall painting, his face concentrated on his work I couldn't see. I hissed at him to catch his attention, and he bopped his head to the side, meeting my gaze with his gorgeous blue eyes.

The sudden sound of the door crashing open made me jump slightly, and I watched Niall's gaze look behind me. I turned around to follow his gaze. The door was wide open, and right as I rose an eyebrow in confusion, my art teacher began to play the Star Wars theme song on her computer.

Abruptly, I watched Kelsey fly into the room, a Dark Vador mask over her face, a red light saber in her hand as she crouched down in the most awkward position ever.

"You, stand up," she called through the music, pointing her saber in my face. I was completely bewildered when I turned to the teacher, who played along, waving me to do as she says.

I stood up from my seat, and gulped. Confusion as to what was happening. I looked at Liam who stood at the door, filming all of this on his phone.

"You will now die. Guah-ha-ha-ha," Kelsey tried to deepen her voice. The class giggled a little as she sounded like that one Sesame street vampire.. A is for apple . gua ha ha ha. I smiled, before another chair quickly shuffled, and I found Niall standing in front of me.

"No! If you want her, you will have to go through me first!" Niall tried to sound heroic. Unexpectedly, he shook his hand out, a blue light saber extending out with it's little sound effect. I laughed at the sight.

Niall turned around to look at me, a smirk on his face, before Kelsey and Niall began slashing their swords around, the sound effects making it seem like a perfect fight seen. I watched in amusement for a few seconds, before Niall suddenly sent his light saber through Kelsey's arm, and she grunted in fake pain.

The class laughed.

"Noooo!!!" Kelsey over dramatically fell to her knees, she snapped her head to me. " You. You have such a heroic lover, farewell world!" Kelsey cringed up in the air, before collapsing into the floor, twitching a little.

Niall laughed, before turning to me and grabbing my waist.. Of course, he sent his lips onto mine, making my arch my back like one of those heroic kiss scene.

He pulled away, a blush on his face.

"Will you go to prom with me Essie?" he asked. My smile had never been so large, and I nodded vigorously.

The whole room began to chant happily, applauding my approval before I laughed, and Niall kissed me again.

"See you at lunch my love," he said right as the bell rang. He shuffled out the door, Liam laughing as he slid the phone in his pocket, grabbing Kelsey's still supposedly dead body and dragging it out the door.

I stood there, like a complete idiot.

I don't know what the fuck just happened.

But I loved it.

Kidney Donor// Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now