《Chapter 51》I Still Love Her

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Essie POV

His blonde strands of hair styled so beautifully, his smile was beautiful as ever, just as I remembered it, his beautiful blue eyes then turned to me.. and my heart nearly skipped a beat.

'I miss you', I wanted to say... but then anger bubbled up as he walked near me, girls surrounded behind him, signs of his new band 'One Direction' written all over them with hearts. Hundreds of other girls that see him every so often- thousands of girls who get a reassuring promise of Niall's presence..

While me?

I get one night of Prom love, before he goes ahead and disapears without a word...again.

That makes me really angry.

"Douche-Bag," I hissed, holding back the tears in my eyes. His smile fell, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Essie, I love you," he said softly. His words were morphine for my soul. It healed me temporarily, but it wasn't good for me..And I wanted to hear him say it, say it to me so many times so I can believe it again... but he'd just leave.

I shook my head, not wanting to hurt anymore.So, I let my anger return and stuck out my arm, flicking him off.

'I  missed you!" I yelled back.. before I gulped. What did I just say? He smiled again, and then began walking towards me for a hug. And before I could move away, his arms wrapped around me- I tried to pull him off, readying all the insults in my head as I opened my mouth to speak.

"Can't go home alone again, need someone to numb the pain"

"can't go home alone again, need someone to numb the pain"


Niall froze, looking at me as if I had grew a second head. "What?" he blurted..before he began to fade, the crowd of girls taking him back

I rose an eyebrow at what had came out of my mouth.. before I noticed the slow beats..That's one of my favorite songs...Wait...

That's... that's my ringtone.

I opened my eyes to find myself in the same place I was before... and suddenly realized it was just a dream.

I looked aside to find Kelsey lying on her bed... her eyes closed,  the oxygen over her nose.. And I sighed in relief to see the monitor beating regularly. She's just sleeping, Essie.. It's.. It's okay.


My ringtone loudened, and Kelsey stirred.

"Oh shit," I shuffled to grab my phone on my lap, trying to shut it off before it could wake up Kelsey.. too late for that.

Right as I answered the random call and slid it against my ear Kelsey sighed.

"Essie?" she groaned as she breathed. I turned my gaze to her just as I spoke into the phone.

"Hello?" I said, my tone raspy before I began smiling apologetically at Kels. She  weakly sat up and yawned.

There was a small silence.

"Hellooo?" I asked again, and just as I was going to check the caller ID...

"E-Essie...?" the voice was all too familiar. I gulped, my eyes nearly popping out of my head.

"Essie, it's me.. Liam.. H-How.. um. How are you?" his voice was weak and nervous, his breath loud against the speaker. Kels rose an eyebrow, fixing her oxygen tube.

Kidney Donor// Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now