《Chapter 41》We Have To Do WHAT?

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Kelsey POV

Oh god. I was shitting bricks right now. Seriously, my mom is so embarrassing.

"Hello?" Liam's voice sounded unsure.

"Hey, Liam. How are you? I'll be home by tomorrow night, so hold on just a little longer, babes," the familiar voice that I hadn't heard in forever hummed. Liam's eyebrows rose at her words, and I looked at my mom, a devious smile to her lips.

"That's great," my mom mumbled, Liam turning his gaze to me, lifting his face up in a smile.

"So, what's going on, Liam? Are you okay?" her voice fell in concern, and Liam furrowed his eyebrows, nodding.

"Yeah, of course, mum. I'm doing great, but, uh," he looked up at my mom, giving her a small grin.

"I actually called because I wanted to tell you something," he finished, his brown eyes back to me, his whole body shifting to my direction, his lips spread in a smile as he glared at me intensely.

"Of course, Liam. What's going on?" she replied.

"Well, mom. Remember Kesley? Kelsey Diamonds?" he hummed, his smile growing as he talked, his back relaxing against the chair.

"Of course, how can I forget? I know you still like her, Liam. You're just being stubborn," she scowled over the phone. I laughed, and Liam's eyes widened, a blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah, I guess you were right about that," he ended up letting out a chuckle, shrugging at me before winking. When he did, my mom coughed purposely.

"I'm always right, hun," she laughed over the phone.. Oh how I miss Mrs.Payne. 

"Now, tell me. What are you going to do to win her back. You better win her heart back, Liam. I swear, I didn't try so hard to raise you to be a gentlemen for you to just end up being a arse." she growled. We all laughed.

"Who's there with you?" she suddenly quieted, " Do you have me on speaker?" she giggled embarrassingly.

"Yeah, mom. Sorry.. I actually just wanted to tell you that I kind of already did," Liam rubbed the back of his head.

"Huh?" her voice heightened in confusion. He laughed.

"I asked Kelsey out a few days ago," he admitted sheepishly, looking around the room, cringing for her response.

"What?!? Really? Just like that? What did she say? You better not be playing with her, Liam. I'll kick your arse, little boy! Now, what happened!?" his mom almost burst into a yell. She seemed all excited, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I had been seeing her for a few months, actually. Since you left on that trip to Spain..." he trailed off, seeming shy.

"And what?! What did she say? Don't mess with my patience, Liam! " she growled, which made us all laugh. 

"I said yes, Mrs.Payne!" I exclaimed from the side, my mom seeming amused by Mrs.Payne's responses.

"What!? Oh my god! Kesley! Is that you!" she laughed all ecstatically. I nodded to myself, even though she couldn't hear me.

"Yes, Mrs. Payne! How are you?" I replied blissfully, Liam passing me his phone. I looked at my mom, who just watched with a smile.

"I've been great! Even better that you and Liam finally made this official! You know, I've always known you two had something special! Thank you so much! Liam better be behaving, Kels! Don't you think about lying to me to save his little arse! Well, I know you too well. You're not a very good liar, sweetheart!" she rambled. I roared into laughter, missing this.

My mom huffed, and we both kinda' tensed.. Hope she doesn't tell Mrs. Payne.

"No, I assure you he's been very well behaved!" I rolled my eyes, giving my mom a fake sorry not sorry grin. She rose an eyebrow.

"That's great. You have no idea how happy I am to hear you two are finally together! How's your mum, sweetheart? And your father?" she suddenly asked. My mom laughed.

"I've been great, Karen! How about yourself?" my mom said happily, her eyes death staring me, threatening.

"Oh my dear! I can't handle all these memories! We need to catch up, Diane! You should come over for dinner when I get back!" Mrs.Payne suddenly offered. I gulped, and I felt Liam and I freeze. My mom just giggled happily, her smirk so devilish.

"I'd love that! Whenever you'd like!" she sent a glare to Liam, who intimidatingly just let out a small laugh, nervous.

"How does this Thursday sound? I definitely want to see Kelsey and you, Diane! I bet she's grown so much! Ah', I can't wait!" Mrs. Payne happily exclaimed through the speakers. No, whyyy...

My mom crossed her arms, satisfied, as I passed Liam back his phone. Oh god.. Oh god..

"That sounds wonderful. We definitely got's lot to talk about. I'll see you then, Karen!" my mom said softly. Liam pursed his lips, which twitched to keep a smile. My heart felt like stopping. She is so evil.

"Okay, Diane! Liam, I've got to go but please call me tomorrow! I can't wait to get home! You guys take care, okay?!" Mrs.Payne continued. We all agreed with a small nervous laugh.

"Alright, bye, love! Muahhz!" she made this kiss noise over the phone before Liam and her said their goodbyes. As he hung up, the air lingered with awkward silence.

"That went well," my mom huffed. We remained quiet. She rolled her eyes and walked into the living room.

"Are you going to tell her?" I asked worringly. I have no idea how horrid Mrs.Payne would respond...

"No," my mom slid onto the couch, flipping on the TV. I sighed.

"You guys are going to tell her together," she finished.


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