《Chapter 71》 NightMare

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Essie POV

Brinngggg Brinnggg

I forced my eyes open and stretched my aching back. This baby is taking so much out of me.

I reached for my phone before my intruding belly got in the way... my phone inches from my grasp.

"Clarity Anastasia Horan , you're. getting too big,hun" I grunted as I lazily pulled myself up. Man, this is hard.

I finally get to the phone, raising my eyebrow when it was Kelsey. So early?


"Essi-" Kelsey tried to say my name,obvious agony in her tone  before the call ended...


A sudden sense of panic swept through,and i didn't like it.

I called her back,and didn't take any chances.

I slid on my slippers,grabbing Harry's keys from the counter where they left them when they all carpooled with Niall.

I could feel the stress grow in my muscled as I thought about Kelseys tone.

Why is that girl not picking up???

I called Niall after 30 times of a cut off phone attempt to reach Kelsey. Why did she turn off her phone.

Niall didn't answer either...still in interview?

The streets were taking forever as i thought of all the things i could walk into...

But i took a sigh and just let it leave my mind.

I'm just over exaggerating, right? Of course,

I reached Kelseys home to find Liam and Kelseys car.

And when I realized Kelsey didn't open her windows...I lost it.

My heart thumped in my chest as I forced myself to jump out and race to the door.

My breathing was deep and panicked as I slammed my fists against her door.

"Kelsey?!?!" I yelled, sending my hand to the door knob, praying to god it'd open when Kelsey didn't respond.

I pushed the door with my shoulder and it flew open, a bit of pressure on my belly, but i didn't care...

I was more worried about my best friend and if she was-

The horror hit me straight in my heart as I looked ahead...

before I yelped in sudden pain, my legs so weak as I grabbed onto the door, the feeling unbearably agonizing.

The warmth slid across my skin of my legs... and I fell to my knees. I knew then what was happening...

My water just broke... because of how in shock I was.. how horrified.

Kelseys body lying in the middle of her living room...

Pale as snow, phone grasped in her hand.

I think I'm going to faint.

》 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 》

Liam POV

"So she said yes?!" Niall yelled, and I nodded, my cheeks hurting from smiling so much. My life couldn't have been any more wonderful.

"I don't know what I'm more excited about- the fact that she's going to be my wife, or that she's going to be the mother of my baby. I'm so happy, lads. I just... I love her.. I'm just.. wow." I chuckled to myself in disbelief as we walked down the hall after the interview with Tyler Oakley again.

Good lad. Funny.

Although I got to keep the pregnancy on the low for a while, but I was too anxious to hold in the proposal news.

"Know we got two Daddy Directions, life is going to fast, men ," Louis rolled his eyes with a laugh.

"I know, I can't believe it...You better make me the godfather," Harry blurted as he nudged my shoulder. I could feel my face redden... just wondering how she must've reacted this morning if she saw the ring...

Nah, she's probably still sleeping.

"No Hazza, he's already the godfather for Clarity," Niall replied cockily.

"What does that mean?" Harry replied sassily, scoffing as we walked out, all our phones finally binging from lack of service inside.

"That I am his baby's godfather," Niall laughed, pushing Hazza who got up in his face, playfully.

"It doesn't work like that, Niall," Zayn began.. Oh man. Here we go...

I continued to walk ahead, looking through my messages

An 'I love you' from Kelsey.... it made me smile when I realized she must've seen it.

I just want Kelsey to be in my arms already...my beautiful Kelsey Payne.. holding my lil' mini payne.

I just love the thought so much, man.

My phone blacked out into the caller screen when I was about to look though my voicemails.

It was Essie.

I rose an eyebrow, why would Essie call me first? She usually calls Niall first, religiously.

I gave Niall a look and showed him the screen, and his mouth closed in confusion.

"Pick it up," Niall said.

And I did, putting it on speaker.

"Hey Essie how's it-"

"LI-LI-LIAM," Her yell was agonizing , making us all freeze, before Niall rushed to my side, grasping my phone over my hand.

"Essie, what's wrong me love?"

We all waited as the shuffling of noises, men in the background made us look frantically.

"K-K-KELSEYS... KELSEY.,,," She stuttered harshly, her loud cry of horror stopping her from continuing.

Kelsey? WHAT?

My heart skipped.

"Essie, what about Kelsey?!?!" I breathed.... pushing Niall to follow into his car.

The men stayed behind us, their faces baffled with concern.

"She's. .. she's gone," she whispered before she shrieked.... the phone fell onto the ground as I froze...

I hope to god, that this deepened crack in my chest, my blackening mind at Essies words repeated endlessly, agonizingly...

Was just apart of a stupid nightmare.

A stupid nightmare that was going to scare me...

A nightmare that I have to wake up from.

"She's gone? what do you mean she's gone?" Nialls face reddened as his eyes gazed frantically at me...pairs of hands grabbing me as I felt the ground almost rush up to my face.

"She's dead, Niall," Essie yelled.

This Nightmare that just went black... i better wake up from.

"Liam!" the darkness flashed me harder...

Wake me up, Kelsey.

I'm living a nightmare.

Kidney Donor// Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now