Joe Imagine: Trading Baby Blues For Wide Eye Browns

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Joe Trohman wouldn't exactly be your ideal picture of an ideal partner or friend. He was always too loud and annoying and always made sure that you knew that he was there to tease you. You were the butt of all of his jokes and you loathed him for that, but his eyes was the only thing you did enjoy about him. His eyes were a gorgeous blue and you loved the way he would look at you with them.

You walked up to your locker and opened it just before someone came by and closed it. You looked up and saw Joe leaning against your locker door, a smug look on his face. You sighed and glared at him. "Joe, I have to get to class. I don't have time for this."

"Come on, (Y/N), you always have time for me."

"No, you think I always have time for you. I need to get to class."

You tried to open your locker again, but Joe just closed it again, earning a groan from you.

"Hey, who did you get all dolled up for?" Joe asked, looking you up and down.

"Myself," you smiled sarcastically. "Now, please let me get into my locker."

"We have two minutes until the bell." he thought out loud.

"Joseph, no! Let me in my locker and leave me alone!" You yelled, making the remaining people in the hallway look at the two of you. You and Joe's eyes met, his calm blue ones and your fiery brown eyes.

The only reason why Joe teased you was so he could have the chance to look at your eyes. Not only did he adore your eyes, he adored the person behind them, the only thing why he couldn't outright tell you was because he was actually scared.

The bell rang and you sighed, knowing that Joe made you late again for another class. "I'll see you later, dork. Maybe we can get pizza later tonight."

Joe walked away and you quickly opened you locker and grabbed your notebook. You knew that Joe was up to something, but you also had the feeling that this wasn't one of Joe's usually antics. Quickly, you grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down your address and what time Joe should pick you up.

During lunch, Joe ran up to his table of friends with your note in his hand. "Dudes, guess who finally scored a date?"

"Andy, congrats my dude!" Pete cheered while high-fiving Andy, making Joe hit him against the head.

"No, dipshit. It was me, I got the date."

"With who?" Patrick asked as Joe sat down next to him. Joe slid him the note and Patrick read it.


"Yeah," Joe grinned.

"Alright, but how do we know that she's not playing with you?" Pete asked.

"Yeah, man, you've been teasing them forever now. They could be getting their revenge," Andy pointed out, making the other boys nod in agreement.

"We'll figure that out when we get there, but for now, it's a date."


You were in your room getting ready when there was a knock downstairs. You still had an half an hour to see if your date would actually show up. You ran downstairs and opened the door and was met by those familiar baby blues.

"Joe! You're here early," you chuckled nervously.

"Was this not the time you wrote down?" Joe asked.

"Actually, it's fine. You can wait inside if you want, I'm clearly not ready yet."

"Oh, I got these," Joe said while holding a bouquet of flowers in front of him. You gasped a little and smiled as you took them.

"Thank you, Joe. Please come in," you offered as you let him in. "My parents aren't home right now but I already told them that I had a date tonight."

You quickly went into the kitchen and put your flowers in a vase. "You can have a seat on the couch. If I known that you were going to show up early then I would've gotten ready sooner."

You walked back into the living room and Joe was standing awkwardly in front of the couch. Was he nervous? No, there was no way he was nervous. You made eye contact and you blushed before quickly coughing and looking away.

"I'm going to go finish," you said nervously while pointing up the stairs. Why were you so nervous? You've never been this nervous before, especially around Joe Trohman.

"Ok, I'll be right here. Waiting on you."

You laughed quietly as you ran back upstairs. You closed your door and quickly made yourself presentable. You didn't know if the reason why you were rushing was because you were scared that he would leave or that you were excited. Maybe a bit of both. You gave yourself one last look in the mirror before going back downstairs. Joe was still on the couch, which surprised you.

"Sorry about that, I'm ready whenever you are."

"Great," Joe said while jumping up from the couch. "There's this new pizza place not too far from here and Patrick has been telling me so much about it."

"Yeah, I know what place you're talking about. I've always wanted to go there."

Joe smiled and opened the door for you. It was your turn to smile as you walked out onto your porch.


The date was going well so far. Joe was the perfect gentleman, which made your heart flutter.

"Joe, I'd never expect you to be this nice to me, usually you're poking fun at me."

"(Y/N), I love you!" Joe blurted out as you almost choked on you drink.


"I love you. I've always loved you. I'm sorry for being such as ass to you but I figured that it was the only was for you to even look at me with those beautiful brown eyes of yours. I didn't mean to tease you like that but I was too scared to say anything-"


"And-and I just hope that you don't hate me, well you shouldn't since you've came on this date with me. but I just want to love you."

Joe finished his ramble and looked at you with a nervous smile. You sighed as you looked down at the table.

"Well," you started, "you are loud and annoying, but I still can't bring myself to hate you. Besides, Trohman, I like you too."


"Yeah, you and you're stupid baby blues. I-uh-didn't mind the teasing that much really. At least I knew that you were paying attention to me."

"I always paid attention to you. I just didn't-"

"Yeah, I understand," you smiled. "So does this mean?"

"Only if you want it to."

You grinned as you rested your hand on top of his. "Only if you let me hang out during band practice and teach me the guitar."

"Deal!" Joe grinned back. "Say 3 p.m. work?"


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