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Wednesday. That was a monday in Saint Joeys Girls Home. See, Wednesday is not only the adoption day but the cleaning day. Unlike most orphanages we are an orphanage of...Class. We are not in a trashy part of town, we are not in an old run down mansion, we are in a large, classy mansion. I guess that's because Mr. Joey is very rich and strict.

Mr. Joey orders every Wednesday we wake up early, 7:30 am instead of the normal 8:00 am and gives each girl a chore, well several. You see, Mr. Joey runs a very successful orphanage. Theres usually only ten girls for the twenty chores. Anyway, after eating breakfast we begin cleaning for hours until it is done, but the chores must be done three hours before 6:00 pm.

What happens at 6? Well that is when potential adopters come to..Interview us. Each girl has to shower, get dressed and be finished with chores by then. They are allowed to interview us until 9:00 pm and then they will come back the next day to choose their child. However, if the adopter knows who they want that day the girls is sent home with them.

Almost every week we gain 1-3 new girls here so there are always people to befriend. I have no friends. I just don't fit in.

Honestly, I hated Wednesday's because that day all your hopes and dreams are flushed down a toilet, the dreams of having a family.

"Ladies it's time to wake up." A loud speaker boomed in each room making my eyes shoot open because ya know, nobody actually calmly wakes up. "Please report to the kitchen for breakfast." Even though every Wednesday and later in the morning the rest of the time it always makes me laugh. It's like we're in an army camp or something.

I slowly crawled out of my bed sighing and stretching before slipping on my blue slippers and grabbing my blue robe. I feel fancy whenever I do this. I walked past my full mirror not wanting to look at my reflection before I decided against it. I groaned as my reflection came into view.

My black hair was all messy and tangled, my mouth had a little bit of dribble from drooling in my sleep. Hot isn't it? But honestly I had a great dream. It was that I owned two Chic Fil A's and I got free meals whenever I wanted. Damn that'd be awesome.

I wiped the drool and grabbed a brush quickly running it through my hair untangling it before rushing down the stairs and into the kitchen where all the girls were in their seats already waiting to eat.

"Good morning, Kenzie." Mr. Joey said with a smile, "Nice of you to join us." he stated making the other girls snicker.

"Good morning to you too, Mr. Joey. I wouldn't miss breakfast for the world." I smirked, one thing about me: I LOVED food. Mr. Joey and the other girls knew this so Mr. Joey would have to give me extra food because I eat so much.

I plopped down in my seat next to Veronica and on my left Rebecca. As soon as I saw the mean my grin expanded largely. This morning was biscuits and gravy with eggs and sausage links. I had three sausage links and two eggs along with a whole plate of biscuits with gravy. Oh my god, I loved life.

"Alright, ladies. You may eat." Mr. Joey smiled sitting down at the head of the table to eat with us.


After finishing my breakfast and a second plate of biscuits and gravy we were all sent to do our chores. Today Lola had to vacuum all the floors, Penny has to swifter them, Isobel has to dust, I have to clean bathrooms, Courtney has to clean the dishes, Sophie is to clean the stove, Veronica has to pick up the dog poop from our dogs Molly and Red. Rebecca has to mow the lawn, Carla and Cora have to tend to the garden. Cora and Carla are twins.

I worked my was through each bathroom skipping the ones that aren't used because there aren't enough girls. I guess I forgot to mention the fact that toddlers and babies don't have to do any of this and are on the other side of the mansion with Mr. Joeys wife, Charlotte. They just play all day and learn to read. When you turn seven you are sent over here to clean and stuff.

After I finished I had three hours before adoption time. I went back to my room opening the closet to find something to wear. Luckily we get to wear whatever we want. No uniforms. Mr. Joey thinks if we dress the way we want to then that shows the adopters who we are sort of.

I grabbed a stripped shirt that fit snug against my top, then I went to my dresser and grabbed a pair of high wasted shorts. I grabbed a bra and underwear sighing. One of my biggest insecurities was my breasts. Weird I know but I was 15 and had a 36cc. In other words, my breasts were big. Well I guess bigger then any other girls here.

I grabbed two towels and went to my bathroom, yes each room connects to a personal bathroom. I stripped down to my undies and grabbed my phone connecting it to my speaker before playing Niall, Harry's and Liams new songs. Then I started my shower waiting for it to be warm before stripping the rest the way down and hopping in.

I showered and then got out putting on my clothes and then looking in the foggy mirror, I wiped it off so I could see myself. I sighed and went back into my room grabbing an all black tank top thing and switching it with the striped shirt. I looked at myself again, a little strip of my stomach was visible making me shrug, I grabbed my blow dryer drying my hair and then curling it. After curling it I did my makeup, a light pink eyeshadow and mascara. I smiled at my reflection. I looked good.

I stopped the music and checked the time. 5:43. Wow, I took extra long today. Something about today felt weird, different. It felt good.


HELLOOO. I am your amazing writer for this probably terrible story so HELLOOO. OKAY, anyway. Welcome to my book. The outfit will be posted on the next chapter Whoop Whoop!

Anywhore, bye guys! Hope you enjoy! Peace outttt!!!


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