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"WAKEY WAKEY!!!" Four loud voices yelled making my eyes shoot open, I groaned as I realized it was morning.

But you get breakfast! An inner voice said making me shoot up. FOOD. Oh god. I remembered what happened last night making my groan.

"Good morning." Michael grinned at me making me laugh slightly. Good thing they don't know what happened last night. Phew, that would be embarrassing.

"What's for breakfast?" I questioned, grabbing my phone and getting out of bed. "Cuz I'm super hungry." Thats not a lie, except I'm always hungry. Ah the joy of having fast metabolism.

They exchanged looks and shrugged, "Surprise." Luke grinned rubbing his hands together evilly. I rolled my eyes and walked out of my room, them following me.

"By the way, who's last name do I have?" I questioned them, they all grinned at eachother and looked back at me.

"Mackenzie Hood." They all said in sync. They're robots aren't they? Thats why they're always saying stuff in sync. I knew that robots existed.

I smiled "Cool." As we reached the kitched Ashton was down there doing something.

"Sit down and then we will serve you." Calum said pointing to the dining room table in the other room. I sighed and went to sit down. A minute later they were all walking over with food.

They set down eggs, bacon and toast, I loved it so far. This was the best meal ever already.

Ah but then it was the worst. Ashton trotted over happily with a plate full of bagels. He set it down and grinned.

"We want you to try something." He said "It's called, Vegemite." THE DEVIL ITS THE DEVIL!

My eyes widened and I didn't want to be like, 'NO! I HATE VEGEMITE I TRIED IT AND ALMOST DIED FROM FALLING TWICE!' but instead I just smiled and nodded. "Sure." I said even though my insides were puking its guts out.

"By the way, which one of you fools left water on the floor?" Ashton said glaring at the boys, "I fell on it this morning." he stuck his bottom lip out making me bust out laughing. He fell on it too!

The other boys followed along and before we knew it we were all laughing. It died down and we all served ourselves and then it was time for me to 'try' vegemite. I gulped as I picked up the bagel smeared in the devils poop.

I sighed and glared at the vegemite as I brought it towards my lips my hand shaking. I focused on it as i opened my mouth and sunk my teeth into it the bitterness already flooding my mouth. I couldn't do it.

'YOU MUST EAT IT!' inner me yelled 'EAT IT!' it continued and I finished taking a bite and chewed as fast as possible trying not to spit it out. I watched as the other boys carelessly ate their devils poop like it was the best thing ever. Slowly I swallowed not spitting it out yet.

"Do you like it?" Calum laughed and that's when I realized he was watching me the whole time. I could see him holding his laugh in.

I looked at him and I continued to swallow. Oh my god why is it going down so slowly? Thats what she said hehehehe. Uh, anywhore. I shook my head and he laughed loudly.

"You don't have to eat it. Most people don't like it." He states and I let a relief breath out putting the food down.

We finished eating and Luke took our plates washing them. "Alright, so lets shower and get ready and meet down here for shopping?" Ashton smiled at everyone.

We all nodded and rushed upstairs.


Sorry for short chapter :)

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