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A/N okay so, I feel like this is kinda a messy story with a messy storyline that I just made up but I am gonna start planning ahead instead of 'winging it'. Also I was re-reading the first chapter and I totally forgot about Kenzies gbf so we're gonna pretend she had no other friends. Also, I feel like there hasn't been much explaining of secrets so I will try to get to that aswell. SORRY I SUCK!!!

-Your fav 


"I know I didn't really know you before but, I feel like you've changed." The sweet, slow voice of Harry rasped from across the hood of the car.

I turned my head and rose an eyebrow, "Good change?"

He sighed and shrugged, "I don't really know, I mean you smoke now, you drink underage-"

Suddenly I sat up straight, "Wait what?"

"I said, 'I know you smoke now and drink-."

"How do you know I smoke!?" I squeaked, he sat up as well, his eyebrows furrowed and tilted his head to the side.

"Kenzie, you forget I'm 23 now. I know what it looks like when people smoke joints." He sighed and shook his head like he was disappointed, "I mean, I assume you didn't smoke before, you didn't dress the way you do, you weren't so, dull."

I sat up, "Dull?"

"Yeah, I mean when I first met you at that party you eyes sparkled, your face was clear and you looked happy. Now when I look at you your eyes are dull and boring, your face broke out, you look constantly bored." He elaborated, I gulped.

Had I really changed so much? Had I actually always looked bored? I mean I feel bored all the time. I gulped, I was different. I was the person I never wanted to be.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry suddenly was quiet and had a soft voice, he looked at his long legs extended out along the car. I nodded and he took a breath, "Have you ever been adopted before?" 

My head flew up and my eyes widened, my body tensed and became sweaty with nerves, I gulped and looked everywhere but him. "Y-Yeah."

"Can I ask why you didn't stay with whoever adopted you?"

I nodded wearily, "There was first Don, he was super nice and thought he could handle me. By the time he adopted me I was seven, two years after I was put in the adoption home. By that time I was so troubled." I laughed and bit my lip, "I had really big trust issues and I didn't trust him. He hated that and whenever he would try and talk to me about my real parents, I would shut down. Finally he was tired of the secrets I kept about my parents and got rid of me."

I took a deep breath and I could tell Harry was tense, I looked at my lap feeling tears begin to spill out of my eyes.

"Then there was Macy and Brad. A newly married couple who adopted me when I was twelve. They also thought they would be able to crack me but as time went on and I turned 13 and became the 'bitchy teenager' who yelled at them whenever they tried to pry in,  and they were fed so they took me back as well. I mean I can't blame them, here I was, their 'kid' who wouldn't share anything, wouldn't hangout with them, had trust issues and hated them for taking me away when my mom was 'supposed' to come get me." 

I laughed bitterly, "For almost seven years that bitch sent me letters saying she was gonna come get me when I was old enough. I was gullible so I believed her and when I turned 13, the promised age she was gonna get me I begged Macy and Brad to take me home." 

I let another bitter laugh out and Harry sighed and lifted my head to his, "I wont ask anymore of you. Just please, try to mend things with the lads." He asked, I nodded but also had another idea in mind.

"Can you take me home?"


I can't do this, I cannot, I have to much dignity for this. I mean shouldn't they apologize? They were the ones totally overreacting! Ugh, but they're your brothers, Kenz. Without them you wouldn't have met all these people.

So, I swallowed my pride and knocked on that damn door awkwardly at like 6am and in a minute the door was flying open and four exhausted looking lads stood there with messy hair and red eyes. 

"Kenzie!" Luke breathed and grabbed me like his life depended on it and held me for minutes while I suffocated. He finally let me go and the others each hugged me for god such a long time, each time thinking I was going to get the life squeezed out of me.

"We're so so sorry." Calum said as I stood in front of the four of them, "We we're overreacting and should have listened to you."

"I shouldn't have walked out like that, I'm sorry." I apologized as well, they grinned and all exchanged looks and I took a deep breath before Michael suddenly spoke up.

"Where were you all night?" He asked and rose one of his eyebrows, I sighed and looked down, do I lie? No, nope. No lying right now. 

"I was with Harry-" Luke and Cals eyes widened before I continued, "and Niall and Liam. We were having a eating contest."

They all laughed, "Let me guess, you won?" Ashton joked but I think he was also serious, I giggled and shook my head, apparently they weren't joking because their laughter stopped and they all- as if they were robots- rose one of their eyebrows. 

"We did teams, Liam and Harry against Niall and I."

"Theres no way you guys lost!" Michael yelled and shifted his body.

"Well, we would've won if I didn't forget I was allergic to apples." I sighed and shook my head remembering the time I threw up in front of three of the most famous guys in the world.

"Wait, what the hell did you guys eat?" Luke questioned.

I giggled and sighed not wanting to admit how much I actually ate, "Well, uh two big macs, fries and 6 count chicken nuggets and like 6 apple pies."

"I would've barfed even if I weren't allergic to apples." Calum muttered making me giggled and the other guys agree, "I'm fuckin serious. Thats a lot of damn food, like damn." 

I laughed and nodded before I realized how tired I was, "I'm gonna go to sleep so, good night- well morning."

I smiled and hugged them feeling better with how they cared, I sighed, maybe I shouldn't go to bed, they probably wont be this caring tomorrow.

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