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I took a deep breath looking in the full body mirror, I had dark high wasted skinny jeans on, a white shirt with black rims and a rose on my right boob. I got my favorite choker and then curled my eyelashes and added mascara and a nude eye shadow. I put on my gold Converse on and grabbed a black purse and put my money in it and my phone in my back pocket. I had curled my hair into big natural looking curls.

I continued to stare at the reflection in front of me, was I actually ready for this? I had to be right? If I wanted to get over the thing with, we're gonna call him Voldemort, I have to move on with someone else. I pulled down my shirt so that way I could see the last remaining hickey that showed on my collarbone, tears blurred my vision, I only let one fall though. I took a deep breath, wiped my tears and smiled at myself.

I turned around and opened my door walking down the long ass stairs in this house and made it to the bottom. Crystal was the only one down there at the moment, she grinned seeing me.

"You make me want to leave Michael." She joked, I rolled my eyes, yeah because anyone would ever leave Michael Clifford. 

I grinned at her and opened my mouth to respond but then the four boys came down all talking loudly at eachother, I rolled my eyes and Crystal sighed. 

When they looked at us they all smiled and each of them at the same fucking time said, "Hello." Fucking robots. I've been saying this from the beginning, they are robots. 

"Hi." I smiled at them, they all grabbed food and chips and then stood in front of me just creepily smiling at me. "You guys are weird."

Ashton giggled and rubbed his hands together making me furrow my eyebrows, "You must've forgotten." He teased.

"Oh." I heard Crystal say behind me, I turned around to her and gave her a 'tell me' face, "They get to meet Landon today." She whispered.

My eyes widened and I whipped my phone out.



I smiled awkwardly and put my phone back in my pocket and looked at the boys, "Please don't do anything weird." I begged them and stuck my bottom lip out.

Luke laughed and patted Ashtons back weirdly, "We won't do anything weird." He said slowly and grinned weirdly afterwards.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, it was 7:30 already? "I GOT IT!" I screeched and whipped around.

"Ah no, I got it, love!" Calum yelled and started running towards the door, I groaned and ran after him.

I managed to catch up to him, somehow, and shoved him into the living room. I opened the door breathlessly and smiled leaning on the door trying to be cool. "Hi." I smiled at Landon, he lauged and smiled back at me.

"You look really pretty." He grinned looking at my outfit, I laughed nervously.

"So do you, well I mean like handsome not pretty." I rambled, I hate myself.

"Hi." Lukes voice appeared, I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment.

"Landon, this is one of my brothers, Luk-" I turned around to look at Luke to shoot him a warning glare, this is not happening. "Oh come on, Luke." I groaned seeing he had a ponytail on top of his head with all of his long curly hair, he had a sharpie mustache and colored one tooth black and then put red lipstick on.

"Hi, Landon, I'm Luke." He said normally, I could tell Landon was confused so I just shoved Luke away.

"Okay, you've met him so lets go." I grinned and began walking away, Landon laughed but didn't turn around, so I turned around and there was Michael. Michael had a plain white shirt on with ketchup and mustard stains on it, he had a fucking pregnancy belly on,-I'm confused to as where the hell he got it- and his hair was covered by a red and black snapback with black glasses sitting on the snapback, he had a dotted beard from sharpie.  "This is not happening." I whispered.

"I'm Michael." Michael said in a weird Irish accent, I wanted death. Kill me now, god. Just kill me.

Landon smiled awkwardly at them and then Calum appeared, not more. I was taken back when Calum was wearing a regular muscle t-shirt showing off his muscles that were honestly intimidating at the moment, he had regular black skinny jeans on with white socks. Something is up.

"I'm Calum." He told Landon in a deep voice, I closed my eyes when Calum held his hand out, I rubbed my temple, I opened my eyes in time to see Landon furrowing his eyebrows as he shook Calums hand, then I noticed the painful type of Luke on Landon's face, oh my god, Calum was trying to scare him.

"Calum stop." I said trying to give them a death glare. He sighed and let go of his hand and thats when Ashton appeared. "Lord give me the strength not to murder their asses." I mumbled under my breath. 

Ashton was in normal clothing too, I thought, at first all I could see was his muscle tanktop like Calum but then when he pushed though Luke I realized he had a speedo on. A FUCKING SPEEDO, his hair was wet and so were his long ass socks he was wearing.

"Sorry, mate. I was taking a swim." He told Landon who just let a laugh out and smiled. "I'm Ashton."

I bit my lip watching Landon smile at Ashton, if you saw him you would be able to tell he was doing everything no to laugh. "It's nice to meet you all."

"Oh my god, it's over! Thank god!" I yelled and grabbed Landon's hand by instinct when I want to run away. "Bye! Love you guys!" I yelled and we turned around and we sprinted to his car. I grinned seeing it, it was the 2016 Range Rover Velar. "I like your car."

He laughed and opened my door for me, "Thanks." He said and walked around the car to the drivers side, he got in and buckled up, I grinned biting my lip and buckled up too.

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