Home Again

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"Stop it! That did not happen!" I laughed and punched Landon's arm, he nodded his head and laughed, I leaned over laughing so hard, I looked at the time, it was already 4:00pm. "Alright, I should get going before my brothers find out I've been out."

Landon nodded and smiled at me, "Are you gonna be here next Friday?"

I shrugged, "Probably. Give me your number so I can text you." I told him and bit my lip.

He nodded and took my phone typing his number in and handing it back, "See you later, Kenzie." He smiled at me, I waved and walked out of the shelter and got into my car.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up, smiling.

Luke :P

We will be home in an hour. Do you want pizza for dinner?



I started the car and drove back home getting there in  32 minutes. I parked it where it was and then hung the keys up again.

I went upstairs and took a shower quickly and got out looking in the mirror, I bit my lip as tears flooded down my face looking at all the bruises and hickeys. 

I put on some sweat pants and kept the same hoodie I had on before but decided against a bra. I went downstairs to see the boys just getting home. They had pizza in their hand making me grin.

"Hey, love." Michael said and smiled, we all sat down at the table talking out their day, they didn't talk about the meeting they had but I shrugged it off. Once we were done I went upstairs to my room.

I began to play music through the Bluetooth music speaker I had, I looked in the mirror and sighed, I want to get better, I don't want to be scared. I can't be if I want to have a good life. I need to get over it, it was two days ago. I'll forget about it soon.

I opened my closet and decided I needed a new wardrobe, I pulled out my phone about to text Soph but then remembered she was a traitor.

Instead I clicked on the new contact names 'Landon Lance'. I clicked it and typed a quick message saying who it was.

I counted the cash I had from when the lads would leave money on the counter for me. I had about $300 because I never spent any of it. 

Suddenly Niall was texting me making no sense.

Niall Potato:

r u ok?

kenz did something happen w u and that guy?

Here, so I make more sense check this website (ENTER LINK ADDRESS HERE)

I furrowed my eyebrows and clicked on the link.


Many of you know a few months back Mackenzie Hood, sister of Five Seconds of Summer had some pretty showy pictures back when she was 15. Well, Hood is now 16 and a source sent us these photos. 

Apparently she's a fan of nudes!

"Fuck." I mumbled, "Corey." I gulped and scrolled to the photos. He's such a fucking dick. They were all the private pictures I ever sent him. I groaned and felt water pour out of my eyes. The lads are gonna kill me.

I sighed and typed Niall back.


Hey Nialler, I'm fine, I broke up with him, he's a dick.

Niall Potato:

:( I'm sorry.

I sighed and threw my phone down, "Why does my life have to be so dramatic?"

Suddenly there was a knock on my door, the person opened it and I realized it was Luke. I sighed and then tried to smile at him but I couldn't.

"I already saw the website, Kenz." He sighed, I bit my lip so I wouldn't let the tears go by, sadly that didn't work so I had tears running down my face.

"I hate him Luke. I hate him so much." I sobbed, he sighed and shut my door, he sat next to me on my bed and put his arm around me. "Why aren't you mad?"

He sighed, "Kenz, of course I'm mad, not at you but at that little shit. You trusted him enough I guess to send those and he went against it. We all did dumb things like that, I mean Calum was the only one who got his leaked so he's the only one everyone talks about."

I laughed, "So you, Mikey and Ashton did it too?" I awkwardly said through my tears, Luke smiled and nodded.

"Listen, love. Your a teenager, you're gonna send those things, you're gonna get curious, you're gonna drink alcohol and smoke." My eyes widened, "Oh, babe. I'm no armature, your face was so clear and beautiful when we first got you, now you have pimples everywhere,you're still beautiful but I know thats from smoking joints." He laughed, "I also soon figured out that night you came home high, you were getting high at his house, weren't you?"

I sighed, "I wanted to be cool."

"Love, I know you think that I've been so held up with Arzaylea but I see the way you act, I saw all the bored looks you had and the fake smiles, I know you stopped wearing seat belts because those people didn't." He paused, "We love you, Kenzie. And we all understand we can't control everything we do even though we want to you're gonna go meet boys and eventually do stuff with them." Eventually hahaha. God how many times did I fuck Corey? "What I'm trying to say is we care for you so much, Kenzie and we will be by your side no matter what. We love you, those pictures made us angry but we all did it so we expected you to did it, again."

I smiled and hugged him, "I love you guys. I'm so lucky." I grinned, he hugged me back squeezing me like my life depended on it.

"I love you too." He whispered.

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