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"I'll be out for a few!" I yelled out the door, I rolled my eyes when I realized it was 8:00 in the morning, none of the boys will be up. I grabbed my keys and unlocked my favorite thing in the world and hopped in.

I started the ignition and rolled the hood down backing out of the driveway, I drove the route that I had been walking for months and I got there, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"I can do this." I whispered to myself, I opened my eyes and got out of the car, I knocked on his door this time and when a girl opened I didn't recognize, half naked and Corey beside her half naked aswell I froze.

I couldn't do this. "Babe- uh Kenzie. What are you doing here?" He asked startled, the girl bitterly laughed and shoved him, "Hallie wait-" he began.

"Are you fucking kidding me!? 'You're the only one! I want you! Only you!' your lying fucker." She spat and slapped him, "You told me she was just a friend!" 

I chocked on my spit and slapped him aswell, I don't know why, the other girls just looked cool doing it. "You dickhead!" I yelled at him, "I came here to tell you we're over anyway." I snarled.

The girl smiled at me but turned to Corey murderously and slapped him, "We're over." She followed and walked out to her car angrily driving off.

I turned around when Corey grabbed my arm and grabbed me inside, "You ruin everything, you whore!" He yelled and slapped me, I suddenly was on the floor while he picked up my hair and spat things at me, words that hurt so bad. Words that I remember my father calling my mother. 'You're a whore! A bitch! Why did I ever talk to you!?' 'You're such a fat, ugly pig. No wonder your 'brothers' felt so bad they adopted you.' 

Flashes of my mother and father fighting came into my vision, I felt tears pour out of my eyes as he hit me and called me names. I was shook from my memories when I heard his belt hit the floor.

"You're gonna deserve this so much." He spat into my hear as he tore my shorts off, I closed my eyes deciding not to fight back based on how strong he was, but I did scream.

"STOP!" I yelled as his disgusting lips roamed my neck and his slimy hands roamed my body reaching my underwear, "Please, stop!" I chocked out.

He wouldn't, so I gave up. Maybe I did deserve this. I let him do what he wanted when a door opened, I could feel relief wash over me when I saw Sophia standing there in shock.

"Soph! Help." I cried, I stood there staring at us and whipped around and ran off shutting the door again. "No! No! Soph!" I screamed so Corey threw his hand over my mouth.

"Shhh, you're okay." He sneered with a smirk on his face.


Flashes, that's all I saw as my ashamed face entered a park, two paps followed me as I wiped my tears best I could, questions flew out of the paps mouths but I didn't listen, all I could think of is what happened.

I sat on a bench and stared out into the distance, I guess the paps got bored because they left and I sat there, for hours. Just staring out into the distance remembering what I let happen. I should've fought back. 

I should've screamed louder, I should've kicked and bit him, I should've screamed when he grabbed into his house, I should've left sooner. It's my fault he did that. It's all my fault. I could've stopped it. It's nobodies but my fault he did that.

 I let a sob out and stood up and rushed back to my car, I turned the engine on and sped back to the house, when I got there the boys were all on the couch, I tried my best to rush past them but they saw me and they saw my state.

"Kenzie!" Ashton yelled as I was at the top of the stairs, "What's wrong?" He calmly asked, I turned around and they all widened their eyes, Calum looked like he was going to pass out.

"What the fuck happened?" Luke asked, his nostrils flaring with such anger, "Who did this!? I will fucking kill them." He sneered and grabbed at his hair pacing around. 

"Kenz, c'mere." Michael said holding his arms out, I can trust them. I should tell them. 

I stumbled down the stairs catching myself in a mirror and gasping, I had bruises on my face and arms, hickeys on my neck and fingerprints on my shorts. 

I seemed to fall into Michaels arms and thats when everything got worse, I let an angry sob out and the replays of what he called me flashed through my mind as well as my father and mother, everything getting worse. 

"What happened?" Michael asked soothingly running his hands through my hair.

I tried to take a breath but I couldn't so I chocked a name out, "C-Corey." so, thats when I heard a door slam shut, the front door.



Hola my dudes, wow, dramatic chapter but I have something to say.

Sexual and/or physical abuse is never okay no matter what and it should never take place. If you or someone you know is being abused or neglected in anyway call for help, don't let you or your friends suffer any longer. You all deserve so much better.

Also, remember you are so so beautiful and perfect and I love you all so much, if you or someone you know is suicidal or struggling call the national suicide hotline 1-800-273-8255 please call if you are struggling, every one of you is so beautiful and perfect. 

You can do anything you put your mind to guys, :) 


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