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_____---Luke Hemmings---_____

"C-Corey." She stuttered out, my blood boiled and my fists clenched, I whipped around and grabbed my keys and opened the door and slammed it. I was going to beat his ass.

Suddenly the door was flying open behind me making me turn around, my hard eyes softened when I realized it was Kenzie, she collapsed in tears in my arms so I wrapped them around her. She sobbed begging me not to do anything.

"Kenz, he deserves what he gets." I hissed out and she shook her head and looked up at me. I could feel my heart shatter as I looked at her broken face. I gulped and felt tears come to my own eyes.

"You don't even know where he lives." She stated making me realized I infact had no idea where he lived. She let me go and wiped her eyes, took a breath and looked me in the eyes but didn't say anything. 

So I turned around and unlocked my car getting in, before I could close the door she mumbled something making mine and the other three lads blood run cold. 

"It was my fault anyway. I deserved it." 

I jumped out of the car while the other three looked like they were all going to pass out, when I got to her I just stared at her. The other three slowly walked over standing around her, she was looking at her feet ashamed.

"You deserved it?" I spat angrily, "You didn't deserve that! Nobody does! It's never ever the victims fault! Do you hear me!?" I yelled, she flinched and I realized what I was doing. I stepped back and just bitterly laughed and felt a tear run down my face, "Kenzie, you didn't deserve that. You didn't deserve to be in that household with your parents for five years, you didn't deserve to be in an orphanage where you felt like you didn't fit in, you didn't deserve to be adopted twice and brought back each time! You don't deserve any of that and I know you don't deserve what he did to you!"

Her head shot up "How do you know-?"

"Kenzie, we read your file, we care about you-"

"No I think I do deserve what I got!" She began, "I didn't fight back! I didn't try and run, I didn't do anything!"

I rolled my eyes, "Kenzie! Did you say stop!?"

She took a breath and looked down, "Yeah."

So that confirmed my suspicions, none of us were sure if she was only hit or if those were hickeys on her neck. "Then that's rape, Kenzie. He fucking raped you and we're getting justice." 

She just stood there and closed her eyes shut, "Please tell me you wont go to his house."

I took a deep breath and sighed, "I don't even know where he lives." I whispered.

She nodded and Calum sighed, "I say lets have a movie day." A small smile spread across Kenzie's lips so I smiled, she nodded.

"Go get changed into something comfortable." I told her, she nodded and turned around and awkwardly stumbled into the house disappearing into it.

I groaned and leaned against my car and pulled at my hair, "What are we gonna do?" Michael asked, I shrugged and looked at my phone in my pocket. 

"This day has sucked." I mumbled, "Are we gonna sue him or something?"

Ashton shrugged, "I mean theres evidence. Look at her, theres bruises, everything." He stated, "I just don't want to like pressure her into taking pictures of her bruises and hickeys."

We all nodded agreeing with him, "But we do need the pictures if we want a solid case, and a lawyer." Calum sighed and turned around, "Let's go get the living room ready."

We all followed him in, Michael and Ashton retreating to the kitchen grabbing the snacks and drinks while Calum and I constructed a fort, we got four rods putting them on the corners of the couch and hanged blankets around them so there was a 'wall' around our fort, we grabbed a huge light blanket to make the roof and put it on, we moved the TV in closer so we could see it better. 

Ashton and Michael came into the fort with a bunch of soda and snacks like chips and candy. They put all of it in the middle, we all then grabbed the cushions of the couch for sitting areas.

We all got out of the fort waiting for Kenzie and sure enough she came down a few minutes later in long sweatpants and a tanktop that displayed all of her bruises and hickeys. She shyly looked away and sighed.

"I would have put on a different shirt but its really hot." She admitted, we all smiled and shrugged.

"We don't mind."

"You guys built a fort?" She smiled and bit her bottom lip to keep from grinning widely, I couldn't figure out why she didn't want to grin wider but when Calum made a sarcastic comment along the line of 'no we built Asia.' she stuck out her tongue making my eyes widen, there was a big cut in her tongue that looked like a bite mark. 

"Aw cool, your home country, Calum!" She snickered, I grinned but I couldn't get the bite mark out of my head.

Why was it there? What happened? Is there more to the story? Then it came to me, flashes of that asshole Corey raping her and her biting her tongue so no sound would escape. Like a moan? Wait, it's normal to moan while being raped right? Yeah it is. 

I took a deep breath and we all got into the fort grabbing snacks and cuddling up to eachother, Kenzie was between Cal and I while Ashton was laying in front of us and Mikey was resting his head in Kenzie's lap.

"Whats the first movie?" She asked, I shrugged and opened netflix on the TV, we chose a movie and began out marathon.

=-------=-------=Slight Trigger Warning=-------=-------=

"Corey stop! Please stop!" Kenzie cried, I looked over to where her cries were and saw Corey on her. My blood boiled and I ran over to try and punch him but I couldn't. nothing happened.

"Shhhhh, you deserve it you fucking whore." He spat in her face I looked around in a hurry trying to figure out how to stop this. I didn't even want her to go through this in a dream. I didn't want anything like this to happen again.

I ran into a room where there was a guy and girl. Wait, were the there when Corey was raping her? Why did they help?

The girl was crying and the guy was angrily pacing around, I just rolled my eyes and tried to find something to hit Corey with but I couldn't pick anything up, I heard Kenzie let a scream out and the guy stop pacing and worriedly look at the door. His eyes were red and his jaw bruised.

I turned around and rushed back to the room where Kenzie was where the Corey guy was still thrusting and sucking on her neck. I couldn't watch, I just collapsed next to Kenzie and put my head in my hand.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't help." I mumbled.


Hey guys, so yes I am going to go into the fact that so many men and women are raped ever day and never get justice because they think it's their fault. Yes it is normal for a man or woman to orgasm even when getting raped, people seem to think that if they enjoyed the feeling it isn't rape but at anytime if you say 'stop' and they don't stop that is rape. 

Anyway, those thousands of men and women who are raped and don't tell anyone suffer because they think its their fault. It is never your fault. If you say no or stop, they need to stop. If you were ever raped and didn't tell anyone please, tell someone, you can't go through this alone.

It is so important that a victim knows that they can tell authorities, their friends, a teacher, anyone they trust. You all deserve justice so no matter how long ago it was, tell a friend, a parent or a trusted person. Please.

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