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-_-_-Three days after the Picture Incident-_-_-

It's been three days and I've been in my room for a long time. I'm starving. The boys don't want me to leave the house so I've been stuck here. I haven't texted Corey but he's texted me.

Finally I got the courage to open his messages.

Corey ;):

I swear it wasn't me

Corey ;):


Corey ;):

I swear to god I didn't send those photo's out

Corey ;):

Talk to me plz

Corey ;):

Come over i'll explain everything. plzz

I rolled my eyes and responded.

To: Corey

I'm coming over if you don't have a good reason for this I'm never talking to you again.

I put on some clothes, I was pissed. I wanted revenge on someone, I wanted to do something. I needed change. I put on a questionable outfit, grabbed the money Luke gave me awhile back and my phone. I slid it in the backpockets of my jeans and the money along with it and put my hair in a pony tail type of thing.

I went out onto my balcony. It was around 10 so I doubt the guys were going to check on me. I looked around seeing I wasn't too far from the ground. I walked back into my room looking in a random drawer.

A note laid next to a long rope.


I know with the lads holding you inside you're going to figure out how to sneak out anyway. So instead of you hurting yourself, here. Figure out who released the pictures and kick their ass. ;)


I smiled and grabbed the long rope with knots tied into it for foot holds. Wow, I could marry Harry right now. I grabbed it and tied it to the balcony edge. I then stepped over the balcony fence and put my foot on the first knot and began climbing down.

It was easier then I thought honestly. I looked at my messages once I got to the bottom. That's when I realized I was in the back yard. I could see the reflection of the TV playing on the inside so I quickly ran out and over the fence to the street. I made my way to Corey's house. I knocked on the door and Sophia opened it.

"Kenz!" She squealed pulling me into a hug, "I missed you." She said.

I grinned, "Hi, Soph. I need to talk to Corey."

She nodded pulling away and lead me inside. Core and Ron were on their couch watching a movie.

"Corey!" I yelled, he jumped up and rushed over to me.

He took a deep breath, "I didn't release the pictures I swear to god my friend got a hold of my phone and sent them out! I beat him up once I found out. I swear I didn't send them out. I swear! I'd never do that! I like you a lot I would never do that!" He rambled, something told me he was lying but I sighed.

"I believe you." I said giving in once he said he liked me,

He let a breath out, "Thank god." He said pulling me into him. "But I have a question." He said, "Will you, Kenzie be my girlfriend?" He asked. I looked up in awe and pulled his neck so his lips met mine.

I slowly began kissing his lips, he kissed back immediately. His tongue swiping my bottom lip, I slowly opened my mouth slipping my own tongue into his mouth swirling it around, My hands made their way up to his hair and I tugged at it slightly. He let a small groan out making me smirk. His hands rested on my butt giving them a small squeeze making me then let a small moan out.

"Wow." he said as I pulled away, "Who have you been kissing? You're such a good kisser." He breathed.

I giggled and looked over at Sophia who winked. "Nobody." I said plopping on the couch, he smiled handing me a joint.

I gulped and took it between my lips and then lit it. I took it in easily from the past times I did this.

"Good girl." Corey smirked.


Around 4am we were all awake still and I decided I should head home. Corey decided to give me a bag and fill it with random stuff. I thanked him and kissed him and hugged Sophia and Ron before heading home.

Once I got there I climbed up the rope and into my room. I striped my clothes and got into the shower to wash the smoke smell away. I then got out wrapping a towel around me and grabbed underwear and a camisole putting them on and climbing in bed.

Corey ;):

Goodnight, Baby girl.

I smiled and shut off my phone closing my eyes and taking a breath in.

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