"Step Two"

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In the morning I woke up to the smell of french toast in the house. My stomach grumbled and I sat up grabbing my phone, 9:43 am it read. I got up about to walk out of the room when I walked past my mirror. I sighed realizing i was in underwear and a flimsy camisole. I groaned and grabbed one of Michaels shirts I stole a few days ago. I slipped off the camisole and put on Michaels shirt which was long enough to cover my butt.

I walked out of the room and down the stairs meeting Ashton halfway. He smiled warmly, "Morning, I was just about to wake you up." He said "Breakfast is ready." He started walking down the stairs before stopping and looking back, "I'm sorry." He said sadly.

I shrugged, "It's fine. It wasn't you." I smiled at him.

"Good, lets go." He said grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs. When we got there the table had two extra chairs around it. I looked at Ashton who smiled. "Guests."

I nodded my head and awkwardly sat at my usual spot at the table. Niall was sitting next to me happily waiting for food.

"Niall?" I laughed, he looked over and waved before giving me an awkward sitting hug.

He smiled, "Morning, Kenzie." He said and then someone sat across from me. I looked up to see Harry setting french toast down in the middle of the table.

"Morning, Kenz." He said with a wink "Give me a hug." He said so I stood up and met him with a hug. "Might wanna pull that rope up. I saw it so the other lads will too." he said into my ear. I grinned

"Thanks." I smiled warmly walking back to my seat while he did the same. I watched the other four boys pile in setting more and more food down. There was biscuits and gravy, toast, eggs, french toast, sausage, bagels with the devils poop on it and orange juice.

"Morning Kenz." Michael muttered almost shyly.

"Morning Kenzie." Luke said shyly too

"Good Morning, Kenzie." Calum said more confident sending me a large smile.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Harry who mouthed 'Got laid last night.' making me scrunch my eyebrows together.

"Yeah, we stayed the night last night. Ewwww we could hear them down the hall." Niall whispered into my ear making me shiver. "Course you didn't hear it did you?" He smirked with a wink.

I widened my eyes, "How did you know?" I asked him.

He laughed, " Around twelve I went to check if you were asleep and you weren't in your room." He whispered back.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Calum asked from beside me. I looked at how happy he was which made me bust out laughing along with Harry and Niall.

They all exchanged looks while the three of us busted our asses up laughing, "Are we missing something?"

"Just wondering why he's so happy." I shrugged with a smile.

The other three all smiled while Michael groaned, Michael had the room next to Calum, I was across the hall and Calum and I were the corner rooms so Michael and I can hear Calum's room pretty well, Michael more the so.

"You don't want to know." Michael shook his head closing his eyes. I giggled and began serving my food. I filled one plate with biscuits and gravy, another small one with scrambled eggs and three sausage links. I grabbed another plate and filled that with french toast and regular toast. I poured syrup onto my french toast and passed it on, thats when I realized Niall and Harry were both looking at me with wide eyes.

"You're gonna eat all that?" Harry asked looking at my three filled plates.

The boys laughed while Niall and Harry exchanged glances, "She'll probably have seconds." Luke stated sending me a smile which I returned.

I watched as Niall piled his plate too, I forgot he and I ate a bunch. We all began tearing in before I realized i didn't pour my orange juice. I grabbed the orange juice when Niall bumped me with his ferocious eating making me spill.

"Niall." I groaned and got up to get napkins. As I walked away it seemed like all six of them were programmed together.

"Are you only wearing a shirt and underwear" and "Do you have any other clothes on then underwear and a shirt?" some of them said one and the other. I turned around and shrugged.

I heard Calum sigh so I quickly grabbed a bunch of napkins and made my way back and cleaned up the mess before digging in again.

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