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"Wow." I breathed out looking at the beautiful car. It was white with black rims, the top came down and the seats were red with black linings. It was beautiful. "Thank you guys, thank you so much!" I turned around and hugged the first person I saw which was Calum. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. 

He must've been shocked because hesitantly he wrapped his arms around me too, I then hugged Luke, Ash and lastly Michael. 

"Can I drive it home?" I questioned, they nodded and Calum was quick to speak up.

"One of us has to be with you." He ordered, Michael quickly raised his hand and grinned.

"I volunteer!" He shouter, they all nodded and Michael and I climbed into the car.

"Bye!" Luke shouted as I began backing out of the spot, I nervously began driving slowly, Michael hit the radio button and songs came on, well obviously songs came on. What else would come on? Elephant noises? 

I got to an intersection and stopped next to a very nice Audir8, it was matte black. I looked at it for about two minutes before the light turned green, I stepped on the gas and then realized I had no idea how to get home.

"Mike," I began, he looked over and raised an eyebrow, "I don't know how to get home." 

He laughed and smiled, "Me neither."

My eyes widened, "How are we gonna get home?"

He shrugged and I groaned, "Relax, I know the address. Just put it into the GPS." he said and tapped the Bluetooth thing and put in the address. The car began to tell me directions so I followed them and about ten minutes later we were in the neighbor hood. We passed Corey's house and I smiled.

"I know the way from here." I smiled and turned off the GPS, Michael rose an eyebrow at me as if asking 'how?', so I shrugged, "There's a park over here I meet my friend at." I lied.  He shrugged it off and pulled his phone out, he grinned and typed on his phone. 

I pulled up to the house seeing the others were already there, I hopped out and so did Michael even though he was absorbing his face into his phone. 

I locked my car and walked inside, the boys all grinned at me, "How was it?" Ashton asked, I smiled back.

"It was pretty great, thank you guys again." I told them, they all grinned and said a 'your welcome' before Michael was grabbing his keys.

"I gotta go, I have lunch with Crystal." He said and waved to the boys, he hugged me and then rushed out. 

I groaned internally, and there goes my favorite person in the house right now. I smiled boredly, "I'm gonna go meet friends. That okay?" I asked, they nodded and I just turned right back around and got into my car.

I drove to Corey's house and opened the door, Corey and Ron rushed out while Soph boredly trotted out. "Hey girl." She hugged me before seeing the car. "Is that yours!?" She screamed.

I laughed and looked at the boys who were checking out my car, "Yup."

"Sweet." Ron grinned, He felt the inside before turning around, "Time to get high." He laughed.

So, as you probably guessed, we got high. It was a normal routine we always did. We got drunk too, Corey and Ron's parents were supposed to get back tomorrow so we wanted to make the most of the last day we had together. 

Let me tell you, we were high, and drunk, and holy shit it was crazy. Next thing I knew I was sober and it was pitch black out. I sighed and grabbed my phone, Soph and Ron were making out and Corey was passed out. 

I checked my phone, my eyes widened at the sight, it was 9:32 and I had 10 missed calls, twenty messages and five three voicemails. Four of the missed calls were from Luke, the other three was Ashton and the last three was Calum, there was 5 messages from Luke, nine from Calum and six from Ashton. They were all from two hours ago, at 7.  There was one voicemail from each of the three, I assume Mike is out with Crystal and that's why he didn't call or text. 

I sighed and wearily opened the messages, at first they were all calm like 'Come home please' or 'Time to come home :D' and then they were 'Why aren't you answering?' and 'Answer your phone Mackenzie.' and 'Answer your damn phone woman.' or 'Mackenzie, open you fucking phone and at least let us know you're okay.' and then they began calling, the voicemails were yelling at me and then asking me to come home. 

I am fucking so busted, if I'm any later god they'll have the FBI looking for me, that means I can't shower and wash the booze smell and the smoke smell away. Fuck but if I don't I'll be in even more trouble.

I shrugged and jumped up, "I'm using your shower!" I yelled, "And soph I'm borrow clothes." of course they didn't respond they were sucking eachother's faces off at the moment so I just ran to Ron's room where some of Sophs clothes were, I grabbed the most appropriate clothes and then ran to the shower, I showered in record time and dried my hair before changing into the clothes.

I ended up grabbing a black muscle tanktop with black leather pants, don't even ask. I also put my socks on and grabbed some of Soph's shoes she leaves at his house which were luckily combat boots so they looked okay with the outfit, I then grabbed a bag and shoved my clothes in there.

I ran out yelling a quick, "Bye guys!" and then unlocked my rover and jumped in, I sped off to the house and quickly parked in the driveway, I ran up to the front door and stopped. 

I took a deep breath and walked inside, the three boys were all worriedly pacing around and as soon as they heard the front door open and I walked inside they didn't bother even asking if I was okay, they ripped the fuck into me.

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