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I paced around my room pulling at my hair. Who was Corey and why did he say Kenz had a nice pair? I groaned and thought back to the mall when Kenzie was over Calum's shoulder and waved at someone. Some but with a bunch of other dudes.

I groaned and threw a pillow. It was 1:34 am now. I need sleep. I sighed and plopped down on my bed closing my eyes. It didn't take long, Only about 10 minutes for me to drift off into sleep.


In the morning I was the last up. I made my way downstairs seeing the other four already eating breakfast. I looked at Kenzie who was on her phone just staring at it. I sighed and grabbed a bowl of cereal and milk and poured myself breakfast.

"You like Greenday, Kenz?" Michael asked remembering we could hear her music yesterday from down here. She nodded her head setting her phone down.

I looked at her curiously. She looked like she slept well.

___+KENZIE POV+___

Last night I pretty much passed out as I realized I sent that photo and slept all the way to until Calum came into my room around 10:28 to wake me up for breakfast.

I talked to Corey a bit and he asked me if I could hangout for awhile at a park. I decided to not say Corey however because of what Luke saw so I thought of a different name.

I cleared my throat making the boys' eyes draw towards me. "Courtney and Lola want to know if I can hangout today." They all looked at eachother.

"What time?" Ashton asked looking at the stove. It was currently 10:52.

I sighed, "1:30." I stood up putting my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher. They all exchanged looks again before nodding.

"Yeah, we'll text you when we want you home." Luke said. I nodded.

"Thanks." I ran upstairs and grabbed an outfit rushing into my bathroom. I took a shower shaving and then put on my outfit. I did quick makeup and hair. I grabbed my shoes and phone checking the time. 12:20. I sighed, an hour and ten minutes. I walked downstairs seeing the boys sitting on the couches watching Mean Girls.

I giggled and plopped down next to Michael. He pulled my into his side.

"You look nice." Ashton complimented making me blush.

"Thanks." I responded pulling my phone out and setting an alarm for 1:20.

"Are you sure its Lola and Courtney not someone else? Like a boy?" Michael asked in my ear so the others wouldn't hear. I tensed up and looked up at him. I wiggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I said leaning up into his ear.

He laughed and I turned my attention back to the TV.

A few minutes before the movie ended my phone went off signaling it was 1:20 so I stood up and grabbed my phone.

"Need any money?" Luke asked. I thought about it for a minute.

"Child, whats there to think about? Everyone always needs money." Michael laughed, I rolled my eyes and punched his arm.

"Shut up, Michael." I ordered.

The other boys laughed, "Usually it's Michael telling Luke to shut up." Calum explained with a smirk.

I giggled turning to Luke who was playfully pouting. "Luke yes please, can I have some money." I stuck my bottom lip out.

He laughed and took his wallet out handing me a crisp hundred dollar bill. I widened my eyes, "Is that not enough?" Luke asked taking another out.

"No! No, it's enough. Thank you." I kissed his cheek and then walked by Calum ruffling his hair, then I took Ashtons glasses off and hit Michael upside the head. "Bye guys!"


"Stay safe!"

"Don't do drugs!"

"Don't die!"

They all called making me roll my eyes.

I pulled my phone out hitting Corey's number and texting him.

To: Corey ;)

Where r u? I'm outside.

In the matter of minutes a truck pulled up with another girl in the passenger seat and a different guy driving.

Corey rolled down his window and opened the door scooting over for me. I smiled and hopped in the truck shutting the door. I grabbed my seatbelt when I realized none of them had that seat belts on so I let go of it.

"Guys, this is Kenzie, Kenzie this is Sophia and Ron. Ron's my brother, Sophia's his girlfriend." Corey smiled at them. They both turned around saying hello. The girl was super pretty and the other guy just as hot as Corey.

"Hi, guys" I greeted with a small awkward wave. Corey laughed pulling me into his side.

I watched as they drove down the street made a left and then a right then went straight and stopped in front of a large house.

We all got out and followed Ron up the driveway and into the house. "This is our parents but they're on a business trip." Ron said looking at me, I didn't ignore the way he bit his lip as he look me up and down taking my body in.

I shifted and smiled, "So, what are we gonna do?" I asked, they all exchanged glances and Ron and Corey walked out leaving me an Sophia.

"Why are you getting involved with these guys?" She asked with a sigh.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Before she could answer the two came back holding bags of...something, one bag had white powder in it, they had a bunch of joints too. Oh my god. Its marijuana and coke.

"Here." Corey threw me a bag of coke and a bag of marijuana. I gulped and looked at it wearily. Sophia sent me a worried smile before taking some marijuana out and rolling it in some paper and then lighting it.

I tried to do as she did the boys' eyes burning into me, "Need help?" Corey asked with a smirk. I sighed, I really didn't want to do this but I nodded. I didn't want to seem lame.

He rolled it up showing me how and then how to light it, how to smoke it and everything. I put the paper between my lips lighting it and did as he said. I pulled it away coughing.

"It takes one to get used to it." Ron laughed. Then he got up went to the kitchen and came back with brownies. Edibles. He handed one out to each of us.

I took turns with the marijuana and brownie. They then began to snort the cocaine and thats where I drew the line. I wasn't wanting to get involved with cocaine.

I just finished eating the brownie and smoking the marijuana. In no time we were all high for about fifteen minutes and it dyed down.

That's when I got a message on my phone.

From: Luke

Hey, dinners here can you start heading home?

I looked at Corey who was smoking another joint, "Corey." I stuttered out, "My brother wants me home now." I said showing him the text.

His eyes went wide and he nodded, he helped me up and we rushed to the truck. He took a drink of water and thats when I looked at the message again. DINNER!? I checked the time. It was 6:03.

Oh my god.

How long had I been high for?

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