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I groaned sitting in a giant beanbag chair listening to music on my phone, the people here were all boring couples who asked my boring questions. I watched as Rebecca was talked to by this male couple. I love them. Can they adopt me?

I threw my head back, I guess that good feeling I had this morning was just fake because in no time it was 9:00 and two girls were adopted, Rebecca, who is 10 by the gay couple who I wanted to adopt me and a baby.

"Ladies, don't go to bed yet. We have some very special people who want to adopt, stay down here." Whispers went through the eight of us, one of the girls Courtney plopping down in the bean bag next to me. I pulled my ear buds out and looked at her.

"I heard they're famous." She smirked.

I laughed, "Unless its Beyonce or Adele, not interested." I smiled as she laughed. She was truly one of the nicest people ever.

"I bet they'd love you." She stated making me let a loud laugh out making her laugh along with me. "They- would!" She giggled.

Courtney was 15 like me, she was blond with beautiful green eyes, she was 5'5 last time we measured up and is so pretty.

"If it was anyone famous they'd love you." I said to her making her cheeks flush red. "I mean c'mon! Your funny, kind, and they'd probably fall in love with you."

"You're really nice, Kenz. I like you. When Adele adopts you we have to exchange numbers, got it?" She ordered making me giggle and nod.

"Fine with me-" I barely finished when suddenly girls were squealing, Courtney and I looked over at the door, my jaw dropped.

"I told you they were famous." She laughed and I turned to her high fiving her. "And hot." She wiggled her eyebrows making me laugh.

"Don't say that!" I giggled, "If they adopt you, you just called you dad's hot!" I laughed making her giggle and shrug. Her and I laughed together for awhile before the four of them trotted over here.

I sighed as they approached Courtney. She sent me a huge smile making me smile for her. They're gonna love her.

For ten freaking minutes they talked to her while I scrolled through my phone giggling at a meme I saw. I guess that drew attention to me because when I looked up two of the four were in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Luke." The blond said, "This is Calum."

"Mate, you don't have to answer for me! I can speak perfectly fine." Calum said with a smile at Luke.

"I know exactly who you guys are." I said murderously making their eyes widen. "Why are you guys here?" I spat at them angrily.

"Wha-Who-How" They stuttered making me bust out laughing. They looked at me like I was crazy, I laughed for two minutes before calming down.

"Oh my god! Your-Your faces!" I laughed again remembering how scared they were. "I-I was kidding." I laughed again, before I knew it we were all in a giggling fit.

"What's your name, love?" Luke asked with a grin his bright blue eyes shining gloriously.

"I'm Kenzie, well my full name is Mackenzie but I like Kenzie better." I smiled at them sweetly.

I looked over at Courtney who was grinning at me, then I noticed Michael and Ashton walking over towards us.

"Hi!" Ashton said loudly, I giggled and shook my head at him. When I was in their fandom I loved Ashton. He was so loud and friendly. Then I kinda just drifted away.

I loved Five Seconds of Summer with all my heart a few years ago. I loved them in 2011 and I loved then in 2015, I just kinda stopped though. They changed, their girlfriends changed them. They weren't the stupid adorable teenagers at that time, they were cocky and arrogant. I didn't like that so I just cut off their music and videos. It was sad because I loved them so much, but they weren't people I liked anymore.

Luckily Michael and Ashton got out of their relationships and started going back to normal in 2016 but then I stopped looking them up at all. I had no idea what they were doing up until now.

"Hi," i giggled "I'm Kenzie."

Michael bowed, "I am Sir Michael of Pizza Land." I furrowed my eyebrows before laughing.

"I'm Asthon." Ashton smiled at me, I smiled back, these guys were great. I really like them.

We ended up talking for fifteen minutes laughing and joking. These guys made me feel like I was home. I didn't want to get attached yet because I knew they were gonna take Courtney.

"Alright, I think we should go make our decision." Calum smiled at me, I smiled back suddenly feeling gloomy. I knew I shouldn't have talked to them.

Now I'm just gonna have to watch their videos with Courtney occasionally in them. Wishing it could be me in her place. I felt tears prick my eyes and Courtney scooted her bean bag over plopping it down.

"They are so gonna choose you." She said in a soft voice.

I smiled and blinked my tears away looking at her, "Yeah, they'll probably choose you." I laughed and she rolled her eyes.

"They loved you!" Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "Besides, I already told them I didn't want to be adopted." I furrowed my eyebrows

"You what?" I said in a loud voice.

"Listen, my parents promised me they would come back to get me. I receive letters from them all the time. They're coming back." She smiled.

Wait- that's what happened to me. I furrowed my eyebrows. When I was seven I got a letter from my 'mom'. She said my dad and her were coming back for me in 2016. She sent letter for three years, saying how she was coming back for me. How she loved me. I laughed internally. She never came. She stopped sending letters when I was 10. She got my hopes up and then tore them apart when she didnt come get me ever.

I smiled slowly at Courtney, I hope her parents don't do the same thing as mine did to me. As I began to open my mouth to respond pairs of feet were racing towards us. Suddenly I was being picked up and hugged by four pairs of arms.

"Welcome to the family!" Someone yelled. I froze.

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