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IT'S FUN!? IT'S FREAKING FUN!? I repeated that in my head as he ordered a five course meal -which I didn't deny because FUCKING FOOD- and then just laughed at me lecturing him.

"I bet you can't eat all this." he smirked, "I mean this is the second course, we're only getting started."

I laughed loudly, "Is that a bet I hear?" I asked loudly making him cheekily green at me.

"You bet."

So, that's how our night went, we both ate a bunch of fucking food, drank a bunch of champagne and wine and finally finished the five course meal.

"I think my stomach is gonna explode." I groaned rubbing it. I looked over and giggled seeing Harry pushing his stomach out rubbing it like he was 9 months pregnant.

"I think we should name him, Josh." He stated, "Josh Margarita Styles." he said and I couldn't tell if he was taking to me, or his stomach.

I rolled my eyes and giggled, "I think his name should be Josh Regrets Styles." I responded making Harry bust out laughing. "Oh c'mon it wasn't that funny."

He giggled, "I think I'm getting drunk." He said and grabbed the wine glass and chugged the rest of the wine and then the champagne too.

I giggled and rolled my eyes, "That is why I didn't drink like ten glasses of wine and five glasses of champagne." I said finishing my fourth glass of wine and then my third glass of champagne.

The waiter walked by and smiled, probably because we're spending so much money, well Harry is. "Dessert?" she asked handing us the dessert menu.

Harry and I jumped and grabbing it and scanning it. Suddenly I wasn't so hungry. "I'll take the Maison Kayser." Harry said.

"I will take the Payard." She smiled and then looked at me like I was somewhat crazy.

She laughed nervously, "Thats for 2-5 people."

Harry snickered, "Her and I will share." She nodded and I rolled my eyes at him. 'Share' hahahahaha. "What happened to 'don't spoil me!'?" He smirked.

I shrugged, "Dessert is dessert." I stated and blew a kiss to him. Oh my god I'm getting drunk.

I cheekily smiled and pretended to catch it and blow it back followed with a failed wink.

"You suck at winking." I pointed out. He rolled his eyes, "Let me teach you." I winked with one eyes, not blinking.

"I do, do that!"

I giggled, "You said dodo!" He snickered too, "No, okay so hold open one eye and close the other." I said and did it to myself.

He tried it failing and whined, "I can't do itttt."

I giggled and told him to do it again, a few minutes later he could wink. While holding one eye open.

"Whenever I want to wink at you I'm going to hold my eye open and dramatically wink." He stated and did it, I giggled and winked back.

The waiter came back later with the heavenly desserts and set the food down in front of us.

Harry and I dug in eating all of it sharing a little bit of everything. Oh, no we didn't share a kiss or anything, we shared desserts.

"I'm stuffed." I stated as Harry grabbed the bill the waiter brought. I sighed and snatched it from his hands. My eyes bulged and I glared at him, "Why did you spend so much?" Let me explain, the wine and champagne combined were already $770.00 the five course meal was $76 and the desserts combined were $92. Total Harry spent $938.00 on me because it was 'fun to spoil me.'

"You stupid." I sighed handing the check back to him. He smiled and shrugged.

"I wanted to cheer you up. Besides, it's not that much." He said, I spat my wine everywhere because I was sipping from it and he busted out laughing.

We both began giggling and he paid the check with his debit card and then we started walking out. As we walked by a lady and her husband she grabbed my arm and smiled whispering, "He;s a keeper. I heard his reasoning." she the let go and I smiled about to say we weren't dating but Harry turned around.

"Coming?" He asked and held his hand out for me to hold onto.

"Yeah. Sure." I said and grabbed it looking back at the lady who smiled at me and sent me a wink. I grinned and held his hand tighter. We made it to the entrance and he handed me his jumper again. "Thanks." I said as I pulled it over my head.

We walked out the doors and rain greeted us. About ten paps waited outside for us. I pulled the hood up and covered my face while Harry pulled me into his side and put his hand out in front of us to move the paps away from us.

"Harry how was your date?"

"Who's the girl?"

"Miss, what's your name?"

"Mackenzie Hood." One pap said and as if in sync Harry and I both froze.

He mumbed curse words and then quickly rushed us back to his range rover. He opened my door for me and helped me in before shutting my door and jogging over to the drivers side.

He got in and I looked at him, his harry was messy and wet from the wind, drops of water covered his face some on his top lip and around his bottom lip. His clothes were wet but he still smiled at me and turned the heat on.

"Thanks for accompanying me to dinner." He stated and began to drive off.

I just watched him, how focused he was on driving, I decided to look away before he caught me staring.

"Why don't you wear your seatbelt?" He randomly asked turning to look at me, I looked down seeing that I wasn't wearing one.

"Why are you wearing a seatbelt?" Ron laughed from the front seat, it was the second time driving with them.

"Only lame, goody goodies wear seat belts." Corey snickered.

"I don't know."

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