"Harry Styles"

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I'm gonna be real with you, Harry's amazing, he's attractive and he's super nice, and yes, I think I have a crush on him. Oh, but he's also, seven years older then me. 

I mean it's not that bad? Is it? Ugh, why couldn't I be older? No! We don't want to be older, then we wouldn't have been adopted my the boys and I wouldn't have met the 1D boys or Harry- I guess I kinda owe everything right now to the boys, don't I?

"Okay, would you rather, kiss a grandma on the lips for ten seconds or kiss my ass for twenty?" Harry laughed, I busted out laughing and rolled my eyes.

"Only because your ass probably has poop smeared all over it and is super hairy, kiss a grandma for ten seconds." I giggled, Harry let a dramatic gasp out and placed his hand over his heart trying not to laugh.

"I-I am so offended!" He giggled, "But somehow you're very correct." I let a loud laugh out and kicked a pinecone along the sidewalk.

"Okay, okay, would you rather go down on a dog," I giggled, Harry let a strange noise out and I continued, "Or a cat?"

"What the hell kind of would you rather is that!?" He yelled with small laughs between the words. "Uh but dog."

"Why?" I scrunched my nose up.

"Well most dogs around that area are kinda bald and stuff whereas cats are hairy all over." He chuckled and shrugged.

"Fair enough." I nodded.

He took a deep breath, "Would you rather," he sighed, "Kiss a dog's mouth, or kiss me?" 

I swear to god my heart stopped beating, my face heated up and I awkwardly laughed, "Honestly?" I giggled, "You."

Holy shit everything about this is so cliche, oh my god. Harry stopped walking and grinned, "Good." He smirked facing me, his eyes flickered to my lip as I looked up at him. CLICHE I KNOW! He just sighed, "Ah what the hell?" He asked more to himself then me, suddenly he was connecting our lips together. I closed my eyes seeing he did the same.

H O L Y    S H I T. HE'S KISSING ME! HE'S KISSING ME! OH MY GAWD!!! Oh my god, Kenzie don't you dare burp right now, oh my god, or throw up! If you do you're going to fucking kill yourself. God could you imagine that? Such a sweet kiss and then all the sudden BLURGGG vomit right into Harry Styles mouth. Fucking disgusting.

I kissed back the best I could, remembering what Sophia taught me and what I did with Corey- oh my god, Corey. I have a boyfriend. I am cheating on him. Ah who cares, we're kissing HARRY STYLES.

Suddenly I felt his tongue brush against my bottom lip. PANIC! CODE RED! CODE RED! HE WANTS IN! HE WANTS INSIDE YOU! Well no, that sounds wrong, it should be : PANIC! CODE RED! CODE RED! HE WANTS IN! HE WANTS INSIDE - YOUR MOUTH! Now you really can't throw up.

I granted his asking and opened my mouth, his soft tongue massaged mine and I just awkwardly let my tongue sit there, I was never taught what to do when someone massages your tongue with theirs. 

Oh my god this is so weird, what do I do with my tongue? Do I massage his tongue back? Do I just let my tongue flop around? Luckily his tongue moved on inside my mouth, oh I know what to do now, I slipped my tongue into his mouth and 'explored' it. Ew that sounds weird. I explored his mouth with my tongue? Ew. 

I decided that I needed air at the same time he did and in sync we both pulled away at the same time, I was breathless like him. I looked at him opening my eyes and saw his swollen red lips, mine must be the same.

"Wow, I am quite offended you are very good at kissing." He laughed, I laughed too my cheeks flushing red and shrugged. 

I guess the kiss meant nothing to him because we went right back to laughing and joking, but I had so many questions still.

Why did he kiss me? Does he like me? What if it's just a prank? Or a dare? Why did he make it like a makeout? What if it's all just a dream? Am I awake? What if I'm actually dead? What if I'm not me, like what if I switched bodies with someone who is actually currently dating Harry and just made out with him? Holy shi-

"Kenzie?" Harry suddenly asked bringing me back into reality, I guess that last question is not true, I mean he did just say my name? Didn't he? "Uh? Are you okay?"

I looked up and found we were at a lake, "Yeah, all the sudden I was all like, 'I wonder what the lads are thinking, are they wondering where I am? Are they looking for me- and stuff like that." I lied, damn me, you're getting good at lying.

"Yeah, I meant to ask why you were at Nando's at 11pm." He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, we sat on a bench near the lake, I shrugged.

"I was at my friends and we were tired so we fell asleep at like 7 and the boys wanted me home at 7 and I woke up at 10 and realized they wanted me home so, they were all worried and then lashed out at me-nope thats not what happened." I randomly said, what am I doing? 

He chuckled, "I know. Tell me the truth." He grinned making me stomach feel all warm and happy. Ew.

"So, my friends and I were all drunk and stuff and we passed out at 7 and woke up at 10." I said quickly, Harry sighed but also had a grin on his face.

"You passed out you were so drunk?" He smirked, I sighed and nodded, he started laughing hard so I joined in and we suddenly were laughing our asses off at whatever. "I hate when that happens." 

I giggled and nodded along with him.

In that moment everything was cliche, it felt like the world was spinning around us, the lights lit up his face perfectly showing his perfectly scultped face and his bright smile along with his shining green eyes. 

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