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Wearily I watched as Ashton walked into my room happily. He scanned my room and sighed, "You've gotta clean your room, love."

I gulped, "She's married, Ashton." His head whipped over to look at me, his eyed wide.

"Where did you hear that?" He asked somewhat angry. I rolled my eyes.

"Ash, she's married why are you having an affair with her?" I asked with confidence. I could feel my hands want to shake but I put them under me so I was sitting on them.

He sighed, "Just forget it, Kenz." He said with a roll of his eyes. "Get ready. We're taking you to our interview." He started walking out.

"Break it off, Ash. It'll hurt her." I continued, he turned around with a red face glaring at me.

"Kenzie, it's none of your business." He spat and continued.

I racked my brain quickly trying to think of something to retort with, "Sure it's none of my business, but she'll get hurt." I angrily said visions of my mom coming through my mind. Not the time, brain.

"Why do you care?" He snarled back turning around again.

I gulped, "B-Because I-I do." I said not knowing what else to say. What if she has a little girl who was cowarded into a corner right now while her parents fought about an affair.

Ashton rolled his eyes and walked out shutting my door. I wearily got up and got in the shower for about thirty minutes. As I got out I suddenly had a terrible idea I thought was great. I wrapped a towel around me and walked out of the bathroom.

"Oh there you are- oh. You're naked." Louis randomly was in my room as I walked out of the bathroom.

Because he scared me I let out an ear piercing scream followed by a bunch of curse words. In two seconds my door busted open and four boys were asking me what was wrong.

I looked at Louis and began laughing. "J-Jesus, L-Lou you scared me!" I giggled, he smirked and began laughing with me.

"Go get dressed and Louis don't scare her." Calum rolled his eyes and everyone left. I walked into my closet picking out an outfit. Once I got dressed I blow dried my hair leaving it down and then walked downstairs. The guys were already waiting and as soon as I stepped foot in the room I was veto'd

"No-Go change nope." Luke said shaking his head.

"Nope you aren't wearing that." Calum said pointing upstairs. I groaned throwing my head back and stomped upstairs. So much for rebelling. I changed into light ripped jeans and a cropped hoodie. I kept my makeup the same and my hair. This time I grabbed a bag to put my stuff in and walked downstairs.

Luke grinned, "Much better." He said, "Now, let us go." He said and motioned for everyone to walk out the door. I giggled and followed the boys out and into a large van. I had never been in a van like this before.

As I entered the van I realized there were individual seat for each person along with a table all the way up to the front.

I sat in the back next to Michael, Luke and Calum were in front of us and someone random drove. "This is cool." I grinned looking around the van. Michael nodded his head pulling a computer out.

I took my phone out seeing I had a bunch of messages.

Corey ;) :

Hey doll.

Corey ;) :

Answer me baby

Harry :D :

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