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"Well, well, well." LIZ FUCKING HEMMINGS said as she crossed her arms over her chest. JOY FUCKING HOOD was laughing her ass off while ANNMARIE FUCKING IRWIN was smiling and KARN FUCKING CLIFFORD was laughing her ass off to.

"Uhhhhhhhh." I said awkwardly, I have never met them before so I had no idea what to do.

"I'm assuming you're Kenzie?" Joy asked after she stopped laughing, I blushed and nodded, "Awe you're so beautiful." She coo'ed, "Come give ya mama a hug!" She said and rushed closer to the pool.

I gave Landon a confused look and then got out of the pool, "I'm wet." I stated awkwardly, I heard Landon stiffle a laugh, I have to hit him for that later. Asshole.

"Aw dear, that don't matter! I've always wanted to meet you!" She squealed and brought me into a hug, then i was hugging Karen, then I was hugging Liz and then Ann-Marie.

They all complimented me making me blush but when I got to Ann-Marie after the hugged me she whispered, "Is that a hickey on your collar bone?" And wriggled her eyebrows.

My eyes widened as I hugged her, it was the one hickey that wouldn't face. I felt myself cringe and want to cry at the same time. I almost forgot about that. Almost.

I pulled away and smiled at her and then but my lip trying not to cry. Don't you do this to me right now tear ducts.

"Aw and who are you? The shirtless lad in the pool?" Joy asked, Landon awkwardly got out and shook their hands saying, 'landon' awkwardly.

"He's cute." Karen whispered in my ear, i giggled and nodded agreeing with her.

"Anyway, we're confused because where are the lads?" Liz asked turning to me, I bit my lip and sighed.


"And do they know, Landon, is here?" She continued, I bit my lip and awkwardly smiled while shaking my head, they all laughed.

"Well those boys talk about you so fondly they would never let another boy around you!" Karen told me, "Every time Michael calls hes all 'and she met a guy, I don't like it. She's going on a date, yada yada yada." She giggled, "And that was only today."

I blushed and looked at Landon who was blushing too, "Yeah, I uh had a date with Landon tonight."

"Is this part of it?" Joy questioned, they ask a lot of questions honestly. 

"No. I just asked him to come over once they left." I admitted, am I spilling too much about me being rebellious? What if they tell the lads I was in the pool with a guy and we were half naked?

They all smiled at us, "Well, we best get to our hotel, we will be over in the morning so when they're hungover we can care for them like they're 5 again." Joy sighed, "Bye, loves." She said and hugged me and even Landon who awkwardly hugged back. They all hugged us and left.

"Holy shit that was crazy." I breathed, Landon laughed and nodded, "Alright, what now?" I questioned, "Well actually-"

"I think it's best if I go home." He laughed finishing my sentence, I laughed and nodded, we got our clothes and dried off, I kissed him and he left.

I grinned and bit my lip, I wasn't tired at all honestly, now that I think of it I am never sleepy at night but always during the day. I shrugged and went upstairs changing into some shorts and a tanktop and laid down.

I laid there for about an hour when suddenly, I was sweaty and extremely anxious. My hands began shaking and my head felt ready to explode.

I groaned and sat up and took two Ibuprofen, it helped my headache but not my sweating, shaking or anxiety. What the hell was happening? I opened my laptop and winced at the light but typed in 'Sweaty, headache, anxious and shaky' the first thing that popped up was 'withdraws' so I clicked on it.

It went on about drugs and how if you quit suddenly you'll have withdraws, I read the withdraws and somehow mine fit the marijuana withdraws. Oh shit, yeah because I smoke, Fuck.

Suddenly I had an urge to smoke so I grabbed a joint out of my backpack and then sat on the porch, i lit the joint and slowly took drags, my anxiety started going down, my shakiness did too and so did my sweating.

I sighed and leaned over the balcony, where did I go wrong with this? I let myself get into this relationship with a monster, I let myself get into drugs, I let myself believe that Sophia was my best friend, Ron was a decent guy and Corey really liked me. Who was I kidding? Nothing has ever gone right for me, maybe the only thing was being picked up by these four idiots who left to go get shit faced.

I bit my lip as tears flooded my already shitty vision, I couldn't hold my tears back so I just stopped trying, I just stopped biting my lip and I stopped trying to swallow the big lump in my throat and I just let go.

I let my tears fall freely and let my sobs fill the air. I couldn't do this anymore. I am so done trying to have a good life, I'm tired, I'm just tired. I just want to be happy but I'm tired of trying. Do the lads even care? They have to. Right? I mean they adopted me, why else would they adopt some kid if they didn't want to care for it.

Then it hit me, why would the lads adopt a kid, period? They're world famous pop-punk stars that  have everything they need, why the hell would they adopt a kid? I mean they're teenagers, did they really want a kid to look after. Maybe thats why they got a 15 year old.

I still think thats weird, I mean they go clubbing constantly, what if they got a ten year old? I don't understand. Like would they leave the kid there, alone and probably scared when they come home drunk as fuck?

I just groaned and threw out the joint leaning looking at the stars, I took a breath and turned around walking into my room and falling onto my bed. It didn't take long after that for me to practically pass out. 


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