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Last night Ashton got home around 4am and was with some girl. He had sex with her, loudly too. In the morning, she left quietly, hoping to slip away. I watched from my balcony as she drove off on the phone with someone.

I sighed and plopped on my bed, it's been a week since Niall and Harry left and that means a week of not seeing Corey. I walked downstairs and looked at Ashton who was making breakfast for everyone...again. From what Harry jokes about he only makes breakfast after he's been laid. So for the past three days he has been making breakfast.

I observed Ashton as he whistled a song I didn't know and flipped the pancakes happily. It was odd watching him.

"What are you doing, Kenz?" He asked turning around setting another pancake on the plate what was next to me on the island, "And stop eating the pancakes!" He sighed swatting me.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked even though I knew the answer. He turned around with a smile, "I had fun yesterday." He shrugged inferring to how he and Michael went out to a bar.

I scrunched my face up, "Ew, Ashton! Stop lying I know what happened you nasty boy!" I giggled.

He looked at my apologetically, "Sorry. She was a screamer." He winked.

"EW" I yelled throwing a pen at him, he laughed and put another pancake down.

"We have another guest coming over." He smiled and I eagerly jumped up.

"Who?" I questioned and he sent me a weird look, I remembered what Harry said and sat down again, "New friends?" I awkwardly laughed.

Ashton shrugged, "It's a surprise. He has a late flight so around like eleven or so." I smiled and nodded my head.

A few hours later I was watching TV with Luke when E news came on. Suddenly Ashton's face popped up and the lady from this morning. As we watching Luke suddenly went to flip it off but I already heard what she said.

"Apparently the boys of 5sos adopted a girl for charity word? True or false? Oh! And Ashton had an affair with a married woman!"

"Kenz-" Luke started and I smiled even though a lump was forming in my throat.

"I know they just make that stuff up, Luke. They just want drama." I said not believing it myself. He sighed and nodded his head.

It wasn't really the adoption thing it was the fact Ashton had an affair with a married woman. I mean what happens when her husband?

I got up, "I'm gonna go shower." I said walking up stairs and into my room. I let a few tears fall out and I grabbed my mac book and logging into it clicking on twitter. I didn't have an account but I used a guest one and clicked on #5sosAdoptionCharity

I gulped reading the tweets.

MrsAllAmerican: She's probably and ugly bitch.

5Sosislyfee: She's fat look at this picture!

Calumisdaddy: She's probably a slutttt

I closed my eyes sighing and continued reading.

FiveSeondsofSummerRealFan: Y'all needa chill. She's probably super pretty so you bitches with no life needa f off. Bye bitches

I smiled at that one. So thats how my day went, reading mean tweets and reading up on Ashtons affair. I had to say. I was disappointed.


Around ten thirty that night I climbed down the rope in an outfit Luke and Calum wouldn't approve of.  I jogged down the street when a car pulled up beside me making my heart race.

"Mackenzie?" A familiar voice asked, I looked over seeing Louis in the car, "Where ya going?" He asked happily. stopped jogging and looked at him.

"Louis-I uh-"

"You're sneaking out?" he asked with a laugh and I sighed nodding. He grinned. "On a mission?" He asked

I shrugged, "Kind of."

He grinned widely, "I wont tell. Have fun! Don't get pregnant!" He laughed and drove off making me sigh. I raced to Corey's house. When I got there he greeted with a kiss and a joint ready for me.

As we sat there taking puffs and then making out Rob and Sophie walked in and handed up both red solo cups. Beer. I gulped and chugged it down making me cringe. Here I go.


I ended up getting drunk but made it home and in my bed but woke up with a terrible hangover.

Harry :D :
Heyoooo how's ur morning?

I giggled at the text and responded.


Harry :D :
Y :((


Harry :D :
:OOO Missy that is bad! You're underage.

I rolled my eyes with a giggle

Mr. Styles, you're barely overage. Tsk tsk tsk

Harry :D :
Shhhhh the police will catch onto us.


Harry :D :
U love meeee

Me: sureeee

As I walked downstairs with a pounding headache I could hear the boys talking again.

"I feel like she's hiding something from us." Michael said in a small voice more mumbling coming after that I couldn't make out.

I heard a sigh, "Lads, I know its not really any of my business but she's going to keep secrets, I'd be worried if a teenager didn't" Louis' voice said making me furrow my eyebrows.

"True. We should have a fun day with her, all we do is hangout here." Ashton suggested. I grinned, that sounds fun.

"Lads, we have an interview today, and don't forget about the fact Ashton had another affair." Luke groaned and I froze. Another?

I rushed back to my room and laid on mt bed. How many affairs has Ashton had? How many will he have? I felt a surge of pain rush through my head.

"Josephine do I not make you happy!?" My father yelled pushing my mom.

"Carl, it was once!" She lied, it was more then once . Four year old me cowarderd into the corner watching them fight.

"Please don't, daddy." I said to myself rocking back and fourth. I watched his hand come around her face making a loud sound. "Daddy, please don't." I sobbed as he grabbed my moms neck.

"Carl! S-Stop!" My mom said seeing my scared figure in the shadows. My dad looked back over at me his eyes softening. He let my mom go and glared at her.

"Don't you ever have an affair again." He spat and stormed off.

I came back to reality my palms shaking, tears in my eyes. Ashtons affair wife could be going through what my mom went through because the press found out. And it's Ashtons fault.

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