"I don't know what to call this chapter"

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I watched him intently, the way he carelessly laughed like two days ago he didn't rob a fucking gas station. I watched Sophia, the way she looked at Ron, like he was the best thing ever, like he was perfect. I watched Ron return that look to Sophia, they were in love, I could see it.

I watched Corey look at me like I was a peace of meat waiting to be smoked and seasoned then devoured. I watched as he looked me up and down every time I showed up to his house in something with little skin coverage. 

I watched the Calum bring home new girls, I watched Luke makeout with Arzaylea on the couch when I got home late at night, I watched Crystal look at me and smile while Michael waved and then kiss Crystal. I watched Ashton stare at his phone, he smiled at me every chance he got and hugged me when I left, he cooked breakfast for me in the morning before I left again even though I didn't see him bring a girl home that night. 

I watched the world around me change every day while I sat around in a house that I didn't live in smoking week and eating pot brownies and makeout with my boyfriend. I was wasting my life but I had nothing better to do. I was bored.

I guess I zoned out because suddenly a hand was waving in front of my face, I looked over to see corey smirking and waving his hand.

"Soph and Ron left." He smirked, I giggled and crawled into his lap straddling him. "Oh I like this." He said moving his lips towards mine.

I smirked and connected them, I wrapped my hands in his hair, his hands moved to my butt squeezing them repeatedly making a moan leave my mouth. "I want you." I breathed out, it was like Corey just got a new car because his grin spread across his face.

"Gladly." He huskily whispered.


I pulled my shirt over my head and smiled at him with a wink, "I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked feeling happy. He nodded and slipped his underwear on. "Bye." I kissed his cheek and walked out, it was pretty dark already so I just walked quickly.

I smiled all the way home, I lost my virginity tonight. I got inside and Ashton walked over giving me a hug.

"Hey, how was your night?" He asked, I suspiciously looked at him and smiled widely.

"Amazing." I breathed out, Ashton grinned widely.

"What'd you do?" He asked. Besides smoking weed eating pot brownies and losing my virginity, nothing.  

I just smiled again, "It was just fun." He nodded confused but shrugged, "I'm gonna go to bed." I stated and kissed his cheek having to stand on my tippy toes and he had to lean down for me to reach. "Night." I said and cheerfully walked upstairs.

Once I got there I just laid down and let a breath out. I plugged my phone in and fell asleep immediately exhausted from what happened. 


In the morning I was woken up by four boys yelling "WAKEY WAKEY" in my ear and jumping around.

I groaned and looked at them, "It's been exactly three months since we adopted you!" Ashton yelled and picked me up bridal style, I giggled and they all carried me downstairs. 

Ash set me down in my chair and it was a recreation of the first morning I was here. The same food and everything. I giggled and we all dug in, having fun and laughing.

All day we just watched movies, Arzaylea didn't show up and neither did Crystal. We just had fun. It was real fun. I smiled genuinely and laughed genuinely. I had a lot of fun.

Around 10:30 I was still alive but I wanted to go over to Coreys so I fake yawned and stood up, "I'm exhausted so, I will see you guys in the morning, probably. Night." 

They all stood up and hugged me saying goodnight. I smiled and ran upstairs changing into a bad outfit. I grabbed my shoes and phone and crawled down the rope and ran off into the night. I ran to Corey's house and walked in. He grinned and kissed me as I sat on his lap again.

"What do you say to round two?" he whispered in my ear.

"I say let's do it."

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