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Landon Lance:



It's 7:00 in the morning wtf do u want??

Landon Lance:

Soooo I was thinking, do you wanna go on like a date w/ me?? :D

My eyes widened and a grin spread on my face, I bit my lip but immediately frowned when I remembered what happened with my last boyfriend.

I shut my phone off and sighed, who would be the best to ask for relationship advice from? Michael. He has a healthy relationship, right?

I groaned and closed my eyes trying to sleep but I couldn't so I sat up and walked over to Mikey's room. I knocked on the door and Mikey answered without a shirt on and in only boxers, I looked back in his room to see Crystal putting on a bra.

My face flushed red, "Sorry Mike-"

He grinned "You're fine, what's up?"

I took a breath, "I was asked on a date and-" Suddenly Crystal was running over excitedly dancing around, she grabbed my hands and jumped up and down.

"Is he cute!? Oh my god is he nice? He has to be funny, and like food. I'll check him out and then tell you if I approve. Ah who am I kidding? You have mostly amazing taste." She rambled, I giggled and bit my lip, Michael sighed and pulled us into his room.

I sat on the bed while Michael paced around, "Are you sure your ready for this, Kenz?" He asked suddenly being serious, I bit my lip and shrugged, "I want to meet him first, all four of us."

My eyes widened "You can't be serious-"

Crystal grabbed my hand and sighed, "Kenzie, we don't want to see you hurt again." She too said seriously, I sighed knowing they were right.

"Fine." I sighed, "And yes Crystal, he is super cute, he's funny and nice." I grinned remembering all the stories he told. I bit my lip and blushed looking down.

"Awe." Crystal coo'ed, Michael laughed and sat down next to me.

"If you're ready." He said, I turned to him and hugged him.

"Thank you."

"Just, be careful." He sighed, I pulled away and nodded before running off to my room to respond.

I giggled looking at the texts from Landon.

Landon Lance:

I promise I wont be rude.

R u gonna friend zone me?

*Jeopardy song plays*


Yes. I'll go out with you.

Landon Lance:

:DDDDDDDD Tonight?


Sounds like a plan :P what time? What should I wear?

Landon Lance:

Casual, warm. I'll be there around 7:30 :PP


Got it ;P

I jumped up and threw my closet open and rushed inside, what am I gonna wear? How am I gonna do my makeup? What about my hair? What does casual mean? Like dress casual or secretly does it mean dress really pretty? Maybe it means PJ's and stuff. No, you wouldn't wear PJ's on a first date, would you? 

There was a knock on the door and then Crystal walked in grinning, "I am here to help!" She yelled and threw her pointer finger up, I grinned and looked at her.

"Perfect! We only have like ten hours to plan everything." I told her, she laughed and grabbed my hand.

"Let's get our nails done!" She suggested, I nodded and she excitedly dialed a number, "Hi, it's Crystal, when can you get two in? Okay, at eleven? We'll be there!" She hung up and turned to me, "In the mean time lets get you all smooth." She giggled.

"Waxing?" I grinned, she nodded and dialed another number.

"Hi! It's Crystal, yeah! Awesome! When can you get two in? Eight? Awesome!" My eyes widened, it was thirty minutes till eight, we exchanged looks and then nodded thinking the same thing. She ran back to her room and I ran into my closet grabbing some athletic shorts and a tanktop, I grabbed one of Lukes jumpers and then grabbed my adidas shoes and rushed to Crystal and Mikey's room, she ran out almost wearing the same thing as me.

We ran downstairs and left a note saying we were having a 'girls day' I grabbed my keys and we ran to my car, we got in, set the address for the wax place and then drove there with the radio on full blast.

"Sooo, what were you and Mikey doing?" I asked wriggling my eyebrows at her, she blushed and looked away, "Oh c'mon! I already know! He was almost naked, you were putting a bra on!"

"Look, we're here!" She said pointing to the place, I rolled my eyes at her and them smiled at her letting a giggle out. We went into the wax place only a minute from our appointment, they called us back and we decided to go with each other for moral support.

"Hi, how are you guys?" The waxing lady asked.

"Excited, you?" I told her, she turned around and my jaw dropped and her eyes widened. 

"Hey! You're that girl that Corey was dating while he was dating me." She laughed, I cringed at his name, Crystals eyes widened and quickly cut in.

"I love you hair!" She told the girl, they then went on about what hair stuff they used and soon I was laying on the table and the lady was spreading the wax on my legs that just dried and you could pull off without paper.

"Alright, this will kinda feel like regular waxing, you're doing the full body right? Like bikini, face, stomach, back, legs?" I nodded and she smiled and then ripped the wax off my leg.

"Holy fuck." I mumbled and squeezed my eyes shut, "Was not ready for that." I heard Crystal laugh and the lady spread wax back on my leg and then pull the other legs wax making me release a "Shit-"


About two hours later Crystal and I were paying and totally smooth, "I feel like a woman again." I joked, Crystal laughed and agreed.

"We have the nails in an hour and I'm hungry, so lets go towards the nail place and then get food before?" She suggested, I nodded and we got into my car and drove to the nail place, beside it was a starbucks so we decided to go there, we each got the biggest (Cant remember starbucks lingo rn) frappichino size we could, her getting a vanilla frap and me the Java Chip. I also got lemon bread while she got a blueberry muffin.

We talked and sipped on our stuff and ate it and by the time it was 10:50 we were done eating but still drinking our fraps so we walked next door and immediately was called back for our nails.

There were two ladies there to do our nails, we sat down picking out a color and design. They nodded and did our nails, Crystal and I talked the entire time involving the ladies too.

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