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I watched as their gazes switched from her to me, their eyes wide. She let a giggle out and rolled her eyes.

"I'm kidding!" I let a breath out and so did the boys, "There's no way such a young girl would do something like that." She smirked and walked off into the living room. 

The boys grabbed me into a hug again, "Come watch TV with us." I gulped and nodded, I followed them into the living room and sat down. Suddenly Calum pulled me over to him and into his side. My breathing hitched, that's what Corey does.

With the mention of Corey's name something flicked in my brain. I just wanted to be upstairs alone. I didn't want to be rude though. I mean what if they found out I was involved in the robbery and then-

"A gas station was robbed only thirty minutes ago in Los Angles. One person was shot and rushed to the hospital." The news anchor said, I widened my eyes as they showed footage of the robbery. It was us walking in and then the boys pulling guns out. You could see me look inside the bag and pick up the gun before saying 'Oh my god!' and running out the door. 

"Why'd she run? Didn't she know what was going to happen?" Michael asked the others agreeing with him. He was right, I knew we were going to rob this place yet I still walked inside, I still watched them pull out guns and I still check my bag. 

"Police are currently checking for possible suspects and looking for the girl who ran out to help them. If you know who this girl is please call 9-1-1 immediately." I threw my head back and sighed.

"You okay?" Calum whispered in my ear, I looked up at him and nodded. He switched the station to Mean Girls and I sighed. I've seen this movie probably thirteen times since moving into this house.

"I'm gonna go upstairs." I said standing up, the boys waved and as I passed Luke Arzaylea smirked and winked making a shiver go down my back. 

Once I made it to my room I took my phone out and checked the messages.

Corey ;) :

Don't be a snitch plz babe. 

Corey ;) :

They don't suspect us we're clear ;D

I sighed and typed back.


I wouldn't ;) I'll be back tonight 

I sighed and checked my other messages, once I clicked Harry's I realized the messages from Harry just came through.

Harry :D :

Is everything ok??

Harry :D :


Harry :D :

Whats up with that voice mail????

Harry :D :

Are those gunshots in the voice mail????

Harry :D :

KENZIE answer me

Harry :D :

Omg r u ok? I just saw the news?? Were you at the gas station.

I groaned and clicked on the box to type.


Harry I'm fine. No I wasn't at the gas station and those 'gun shots' were just fake from a movie.

Harry :D :

Then why'd u scream 'fuck?'

My eyes widened.


Bc I stubbed my toe dur :P

Damn me good excuse. 

Harry :D :

Oh k. U scared me u idiot 


Good ;P

Harry :D :

I gtg I have a concert thing now bye ;)

I smiled and threw my phone down. I walked over to my desk and turned on my desktop and clicked on Celeb News. I scrolled through random stuff with the Kardashians and the Jenners, then the next article shocked me.

Harry's new girl is under 18?

Harry Styles was seen out with Five Seconds of Summer's sibling going into Elegante Bistro a very fancy restaurant in Los Angels. Styles was seen holding Mackenzie Hood's hand as they walked in and out of the restaurant, Hood even wearing his jacket! 

Mr. Styles wore an all back outfit complete with LED shoes. Mackenzie was wearing a baby blue striped dress and Adidas shoes. The two looked very happy together but the question is, when will Harry ditch Mackenzie and move onto the next?  Many think that Styles took interest in Hood when her almost-nudes were leaked. Agree or Disagree?

I groaned and walked downstairs running into Luke. "Luke, did you tell everyone I was your guys' sister on that interview?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah, why?" I just shrugged and smiled vaguely, I turned around and walked back upstairs hearing him sigh. "I saw the article if that's what you're worried about. We all did."

I turned around and started at him wide-eyed "You aren't mad?" I mumbled, he smiled and shook his head.

"He called us that night and told us he was taking you out because you were bored. I'm fine with that as long as he doesn't try anything. Once he tried something The lads and I are gonna kick his ass." Luke lectured and ended it with a wink. I fakely smiled, I just didnt feel like smiling. 

"Thanks." I whispered suddenly feeling sad.

"Hey," He grabbed my arm as I began walking up the stairs again, "are you okay?" His eyes showed concern. He must be good at acting because he did't act like this a few days ago.

I fake smiled again and nodded, "I'm fine." my voice wavered making me cringe on the inside. He sighed like he didn't believe me and nodded letting go of my arm.

I went back up into my room and collapsed onto my bed into tears for some reason. I let some tears as silent as I could making sure nobody heart me. I felt like vomiting, why are these guys so bipolar?! 

Why are they so distant at one moment and the next their so nice and comforting. Why are they so fucking confusing!? Why do they have to be like this!? Why did I have to be adopted by them!? If they didn't adopt me I would've never met Corey, I would've never met Ron. But I also would've never met Sophia. 

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