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"Can I dye my hair?" I questioned as we passed a hair salon. Michael's face lit up since he loves dying his hair but Luke and Calum immediately shook their heads. "Why?" I questioned.

They all exchanged looks and sighed "Fine." Luke said. I squealed and jumped up and down as I dragged the four of them into the hair saloon. I smiled at the man as he walked over.

"Hi, what can I do for you boys?" he asked her eyes trained on the boys who smiled at him.

I grinned, "Hi, I want to get my hair dyed."

He smiled "First time?"

I nodded my head and he lead me to a hair washing area. He sat me down and began washing my hair. It felt so good.

After he washed and blow dried my hair he lead me to a chair and spun me around feeling my hair, "What do you want?" He asked.

I sighed, "Didn't think of that." I laughed and she grinned. "Surprise me?"

He nodded his head and got to work.

-Hour LAter_

"And vowala" He said spinning me around. He ended up curling my hair into small little curls. He kept my black roots but dyed most of the a grayish blondish color. It looked amazing.

"I love it." I squealed. "Thank you so much." He nodded his head and I jumped up rushing over to the boys who lifted their heads in surprise.

They all loved it and paid for it and we continued shopping for another few hours. Halfway through Luke complained about being hungry so we went to the food court.

I watched as a bunch of girls widened their eyes at them, some of them sending me murderous glares. I grabbed my hat out of one of the bags and put it on while the boys put their hoods up.

"What do you want to eat?" Michael asked me, I looked around my eyes landing on Chic-Fil-A. I pointed at it and they nodded walking over there.

We had to wait in line for awhile because the line was long. I took my phone creating a group chat with Courtney and Lola, I did it with them becuase they were 15 and 16 and I liked them best.


Hey guys

It didn't take long for them to respond. I texted them for the majority of the time.

Once we got up there I knew exactly what I wanted.

"Hi what can I get for you?" A girl asked looking up her eyes widening at the boys, I sighed and began.

"Can I get two 12 count chicken nuggets one of them a meal." she nodded putting it in quickly, "To drink I want sweet tea, large. And large fries."

The other ordered and we walked off to the side. I looked around and everyones eyes were on us. I felt umcomfortable, people glaring at me and look in awe at the boys who payed no attention. I slowly looked down at my phone seeing the girls hadn't responded yet.

"Luke?" The girl called signaling she had our food. I looked over at Luke who awkwardly went over to grab the food. He came back quickly and we walked over to an empty table sitting down. I laughed when Calum sat in the little kids table area beside our table.

"This is so fun." He said as he dug into his food. I looked at the other lads who began laughing. I stood up and sat across from him. His legs were long so they came up high next to him because of how low the seats were. My legs came up high too.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked as I bit into one of the chicken nuggets and then dipped it in Chic Fil A sauce. he nodded like a little kid. I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

Adopted By Five Seconds of SummerWhere stories live. Discover now