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This morning at 7:00 am I was woken up by being drenched with freezing cold water, three certain boys screaming in my ear and the last jumping on my bed barely missing jumping on me. 

To say I was annoyed was an understatement. I was annoyed, and very mad. I liked my sleeo, especially because I didn't get home last night till 4am because Soph, Ron, Corey and I were having water fights in their backyard for hours.

"Wake up, Kenz!" One of them whined and I picked up my nearest pillow and threw it at someone, I don't know who but there was an 'oof' a few seconds afterwards and then a plop on my bed.

"That was mean." I heard Michael whine and I smiled to myself, it hit Michael. Good. "C'mon, Kenz. Just wake up." I heard him beg again. I giggled to myself and groaned sitting up. I looked at them before being angry.

Why were they waking me up? Did I have to go to breakfast with their stupid girlfriends this morning? I glared at them, "What do you all want?"

Ashton grinned making me angrier, he had a girl here last night, along with Calum. "We wanna take you to get your drivers license!"

My eyes widened before a grin spread to my lips, that would mean no more walking to Corey's house every night. I jumped up and shoo'ed them off. I ran to my closet deciding not to shower since I showered last night after we smoked a bunch and grabbed a simple nike outfit.

I painted my nails quickly and then let them dry while I listened to music and excitedly danced around. I was finally getting my drivers license. I've always wanted it.

"You ready?" A knock at the door startled me and I turned my music off and slipped my shoes on, I opened the door and looked at the boys who were around my door. 

"Yeah." I grinned and rushed past them to the Range Rover that Luke bought. We all got in while Ashton drove. A few minutes later of complete silence we pulled up to the drivers place.

"Alright, we'll get you signed up and then you'll take the test." Calum told me while he and Ashton walked off to go do whatever they said. I had no idea what they said, I was so excited.

I sat down in a chair so I could distract myself while Luke and Michael stood in front of me out of ear reach so I couldn't hear but I didn't care. I whipped my phone out and tapped Harry's contact.



Harry :D :


I could feel my cheeks heat up, was he flirting? No he can't be. He's like 5 years older then me. Eh that's not too much-oh my god, did I just say that? I mean he's 21 I'm 16. So yeah, 5 years older. 


Sure :D

Harry :D :

Awesomeeeeee :) I gtg i'll txt u latr tho ;D


OKay ;0 Buye 

I grinned and looked up seeing Calum and Ashton walking toward us again and Luke and Michael meeting them halfway, they talked about something and I shrugged and looked around, I watched people sleep in their chairs, some boredly flip through magazines or phones, then I heard a bunch of giggles so I looked up and saw the boys being talked to by some girls my age. They signed auto graphs and took pictures.

They looked so happy, they looked like the boys they were before. They looked like the boys I fell in love with years ago, the boys I fangirled over, I cried over, I loved, but at the same time they looked like the boys I fell out of love with, the boys who were having affairs or scandals. The boys that reality hit hard. 

I sighed and shook my head. Shut up, Mackenzie, who cares if their happy or sad or if they have affairs all the time.

Before I knew it the four were standing in front of me grinning, "They're gonna take you now." Michael cheered, I smiled half-heartedly and saw his smile drop a little seeing my lazy smile. 

"Cool." I said lamely and walked with them over to a lady who said she was going to be my instructor and be with me while I take my test. 

I nodded and the boys told me they were going to say there while I was gone so I shrugged and continued to follow the lady to a regular car with pedals on the passenger side so they could help in need of emergency too.

"Alright, so you're just going to drive around following this GPS and then when we get to the destination you are going to park several times, once parallel, the other backing up and the next just pulling forward. Got it?" The lady asked as she plopped into the passenger seat.

"Okay." I told her with a small smile and took a deep breath. Here we go.


"Have you driven before?" She asked, I nodded my head, "When?"

"Uh Mr. Joey took all the 15 year olds when they first turned 15 to get their permits, I passed then and drove with Mr. Joey all the time. Uh, yeah." I awkwardly finished with a shrug.

"Cool, so you'll have to wait a few minutes here for your license to come back and your license plate for a car." She told me as we entered the DMV again, I nodded and sat down waiting for them to call my name. 

I couldn't find the boys anywhere so I just sighed. They ditched me. Cool. 

I sat for about ten minutes before my phone buzzed, I groaned and pulled it out opening it and clicking on the messages I got the text from. Calum. Interesting.


We went to get something but we'll be back in about twenty minutes, just wait there for us plz, thx ;)

I sighed and closed out of his messages and went to instagram scrolling through my feed, I scrolled past a post Harry posted 2 hours ago apparently, when he told me he had to go.

It was a picture of him with some girl and her kissing his cheek while he stared at the camera with a 'shocked' face. It was captioned with 'Nobody more important then her ;)' and a kissy face.

Oh. I guess you're not very important. My mind said. He ditched you to be with her. She's so much better, isn't she?

I felt a lump grow in my throat as my mind raced, bad possibilities sneaking into my mind, before I knew it a tear ran down my cheek snapping me back into the presence of all the people around me. 

I wiped my tear and took a shaky, deep breath and looked around until I heard 'Mackenzie Hood' called. I saw teenage girls look my way in shock as I stood and made my way over to where I get my license.

"Mackenzie Hood?" An elderly lady asked with a bored tone, I nodded my head but she was looking down shuffling papers so she didn't see, she rose an eyebrow and looked up and I cleared my throat.

"Yep." I told her, she handed me papers and told me where to sign and when I finished she handed me a card with my picture on it and my information.

"Please remember to drive responsibly and safely." She sighed, I grinned and turned around only to remember the lads ditched me.

I sighed and sat down in a chair grabbing my phone and playing random games on it. I played for a few minutes until someone tapped my shoulder, I sighed and looked up to see four grinning lads.

"Come here." Luke grinned and grabbed my hand, they pulled me outside and I gasped.

In front of us was a brand new Range Rover Evoque 2017.

"It's all yours." Calum grinned and handed me the keys.

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