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___Mackenzie Hood___

Four thirty five. Thats the time those four idiots got home. They came home, loud as hell, still drunk. They didn't even stop to think I was still awake. They passed out downstairs eventually, a girl with each of them.

Around ten o'clock I woke up, my whole body burning. I got up, went to the bathroom and realized, I had started my period again. I bit my lip and grabbed a tampon putting it in. I put some slacks on and went downstairs.

I grabbed a poptart and then entered the living room hoping to watching some TV, instead greeted by the smell of vomit and alcohol. I stared at them, biting my lip and then trudged upstairs. 

I flung open my door and walked in and then shut my door, I stared at my messy room, clothes thrown all over the floor, towels and random objects spread across my bed. I pursed my lips and then shrugged jumping onto the clear spot of my bed. 

I opened the silver reflective packaging and bit off a part of the poptart, allowing the sweet taste to fill my mouth. It was all nice and fuckin quiet and then a really loud beep went off sending me flying five feet into the air - probably not that high but I'm dramatic.

I glared at my phone as if it would stop ringing but instead when I read the caller I.D I basically flung myself at it. I clicked the answer phone, eager to hear his voice again.

"So, I hear mama Joy is here. Did you meet her?"

"Hi, Harry!" I said loudly, biting my lip. "And yeah, I met them. I was with this guy-"

"GUy wHo!?" Harry cut in, I threw my head into a double chin and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Landon, I met him at the homeless shelter." I admitted, it was silent for a moment before he spoke again.

"I wanna meet him."

"Why?" I questioned, biting my poptart.

"The lads told me about that ass, Cory." Harry mumbled, I froze and swallowed the small bit of left in my mouth. A lump grew into my throat as I sat there, his name repeating in my head. I swallowed in hopes of the lump going down with it but like always, it didn't. "Kenz?" He questioned in a small voice.

"Y-Yeah?" I managed to choke out, "I'm here."

"I didn't mean to mention his name, I just wanna make sure this Landon guy is a good guy, babes."

I gulped. "Yeah-Yeah sure. The uh lads already met him. Made a whole ass fool out of themselves." I quietly said biting my lip.

"Oh, maybe I don't gotta meet him." Harry responded and it was silent again, all you could hear was our quiet breaths. "Babes?"


"Are you okay? If you ever need to talk, I'm here."

For some reason, those words just hit me like a truck, my mouth suddenly felt as dry as a dessert and the lump in my throat seemed to expand. I think it was because in all the time I've been around the boys after the whole thing with Cory, they haven't once asked me if I needed or wanted to talk not even how I was doing.

"I-I-I" I stumbled, "Okay, thank's Harry." I quietly said, in almost a whisper.

"Kenz, I'm serious. Don't bottle it up."

"Got it, Harry. I'll tell you if I need to talk." I hurried trying to get away before I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. 

"Alright, babes, I'll talk to you later, love ya." Harry finished.

"Love you too." I whispered and shut my eyes as a single tear rolled out of my eye, I hung up the phone and placed it face down. I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror that was next to my bed.

I remembered when I first came here, I was clean, innocent. I was pretty and had something to live for. I wasn't constantly wanting to get high or do bad shit. I was good, I was in a decent place.

But now, I was a whole different person, I smoked weed, I did bad stuff, I'm not at a good emotional spot. I'm just shit now. 

My hair was ratted, my eyes were dull and had big dark circles under them and I had acne all over my face from smoking. 

I was a fucking mess.


Guess who's back??!?!?! Hahahaha a crappy writer who's been to busy wanting to kill themselves b/c of school and homework to update!

Alsooooo We HAvE 1k ReADs moTheR fUckersss


THanks guys!!!1

-Kaylina XoXO

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