"Harry Styles"

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I looked in the mirror after putting on the first dress he bought. It was a pale blue dress with cut out triangles in my side and white stripes and the dress ended at mid thigh. I grinned twirling around in it.

I looked at the other dress which was an all back form-fitting dress ending mid-thigh a gold belt around it waist. I liked the blue one better so I kept it on. There was concealer in the bag I'm assuming Harry bought it so I could cover up my hickeys and some mascara. I covered the hickeys and then applied several coats of mascara. I smiled at myself in the mirror. I decided to then braid my hair into double dutch braids grinning at the results.

I opened the door to see Harry in a black button up and black jeans, he was in the middle of sliding on some fancy LED shoes. He looked up a grin spreading onto his face.

"You look-wow. I knew that'd look gorgeous on you." He complimented making me blush and look away. He finished putting his shoes on and handed me my Adidas shoes and socks which I slipped on and grabbed my phone. "Ready?" He asked, I nodded and we headed out to his car.

I widened my eyes when he grabbed one of many sets of keys and shower me to an all white Land Rover with a convertible top. I grinned up at him and excitedly got into the passenger seat while he hopped into the drivers.

"So, I have decided to treat you to a friends dinner." He said putting the keys in the ignition, for some reason my heart panged a little when he said 'friendly'. I'm probably sick or something. "However, you have to promise to not argue with me about where we're eating."

I rolled my eyes and smiled over at him, "No promises." I smirked and hit the radio button. I giggled when his single 'Sign Of The Times' came on. I may know all the lyrics.

For the whole ride we busted out to songs singing our hearts out. Finally he pulled up to a restaurant that looked extremely fancy. I furrowed my eyebrows, "This looks very expensive, mister." I stated as he pushed a button making the top come up.

He grinned largely about to say something when a flash went off beside us. His eyes widened and he let a string of curse words out. He took off his jumper and handed it to me.

"Put this on and cover your face with it." He ordered, "Stay there." He continued. I furrowed my eyebrows but did as he said, I pulled the hood up and watched as more flashes went off. Harry came around his car and opened my door.

I hopped out and he pulled me into his side and shut the door.

"Don't listen to them." He whispered into my ear, from what I could see there was a pap in front of us and once beside us another behind us.

"Harry, who's the new girl?"

"Harry are you sleeping with her?"

I rolled my eyes as we made our way inside leaving the paps outside. "Sorry." He cheekily grinned. I looked around my eyes widening. We were way underdressed.

Waiters walking around in suits, women in fancy all black dressed, beautiful hair and makeup. I watched the elegant people walk around silently judging me and stopping seeing Harry.

"Reservations for Styles." He said to the lady who nodded and said a quiet, 'Right this way.'

We were sat in the back corner around a few other people who stared in awe at Harry. It was quite hot in the restaurant so I quickly slipped off Harry's hoodie.

"Are you mad?" He asked me as I looked around at the beautiful people.

I smiled over at him, "I wish I chose the black dress." I admitted, he laughed loudly and rolled his eyes.

"I think you look amazing." He smirked making me blush.

"Too bad I don't think the same about you." I retorted with a giggle, his eyes widened as if offened and he pulled away with a hand over his mouth sassily.

"How dare you!" He hollered loudly making people stare, "You make me cry, my dear!" He continued letting weird sobs out.

I giggled biting my lip so I didn't obnoxiously laugh. He wiped his eyes and pretended to wipe tears away before busting out laughing. At that point I couldn't hold my laugh in. We both sat there in hysterics while people judged us.

A few moments later a waiter with blonde hair in a perfect bun, smokey eye and eyeliner and long eyelashes with defined cheek bones and red lipstick walked by. I looked at her all black flowy dress that was tight in the chest but flowy the rest the way down. It ended at her knee's.

"Hi, I'm Emerald, can I offer some champagne or wine?" She said in a soft voice.

Harry smirked over at me and then to the waitress, "Yeah, we'll take a bottle of your finest wine and a bottle of your most expensive champagne please."

I widened my eyes as she nodded not asking for ID's, she walked off and I looked at Harry like he was crazy.

"Are you insane!? I'm underage." I whisper yelled, he laughed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm Harry Styles, they don't care." He cheekily said with a wink which failed because he can't wink well.

I rolled my eyes again, "And the most expensive ones!?" I continued, he just snickered and watched the waiter bring over bottles of champagne and wine.

She set them down on the table along with four wine glasses. "This is our Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2012, it's $639.00 would you like it. I swear my eyes fell out of their sockets and you could hear my jaw hitting the table.

"We'll take it." Harry smiled and I started laughing shaking my head

"No, no, no mister! Its six HUNDRED bucks no way you're paying for wine that much just for me." I interrupted and ladies drinking wine around us gasped, probably because I was denying Harry spoiling me.

"It's okay. We'll take it." He insisted and I just stared at him like he was crazy. He just spent more money then I have one WINE! Freaking wine!

"Yes sir. This is our Dom Perignon 750 ml, it's only $189.00." She said and I rolled my eyes, ONLY.

"We will take that too." Harry said, she nodded and poured the champagne and wine into our glasses and walked off.

"Boy, you are fucking crazy." I scolded reaching across the table and lightly smacking his face, "I don't even know if I like wine or champagne and you spent like eight hundred dollars on them both alone!" I lectured, "You coulda bought like a brand new phone with that! You are fucking crazy."

He smirked cheekily and I looked around seeing women giving me surprised looks, "She's just gonna deny those expensive wines." some of them whispered, their husbands sat up straight and called the waiters over ordering more expensive wines and champagnes so they didn't lose their pride to a 21 year old.

"Just let me spoil you." Harry smiled, "It's fun."

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