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"Bye, love you!" Calum yelled out the door, "If you go anywhere tell us!"

"Bye! Love you guys too!" I yelled back and finished eating my cereal, I wasn't hungry. I was actually pretty proud of myself because I hadn't smoked in two days. 

It's been three days since that talk with Luke and I feel better honestly. The boys have still been going to those 'meetings' everyday still for at least six hours. 

Today I planned to go to the mall with Harry and Niall because they were both in town and bored so I agreed to go with them. They were going to pick me up in an hour.

I washed my bowl and then rushed up stairs and took a shower, I got out and did my makeup as a cateye and curled my lashed putting mascara on them, I then dried my hair and french braided it, I then went to my closet and walked in picking out one of Calums old small All Time Low T-Shirts, I then grabbed some black ripped pants and my Vans. 

I grabbed my purse and my phone and texted Harry and Niall I was ready and then texted the lads I was meeting Harry and Niall.

In about a minute Harry and Niall were knocking on the door, I opened it and followed them out.

"Hey guys." I smiled, if you're wondering the hickeys and bruises faded luckily, well a few hickeys were noticeable but I covered those with concealer.

"Hey love." Harry grinned, Niall waved but was eating chips, I laughed and got into Harry's Range Rover. We drove to the mall laughing at eachother and listening to the radio.

Before they got out Harry and Niall grabbed wigs, I furrowed my eyebrows and Niall laughed, "I realize you must be confused, we don't want to get recognized. So we got these contacts, I'm gonna have green eyes and Harry is gonna have blue." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah because no fan if gonna be like, 'Huh, that looks like Harry Styles and Niall Horan, oh woah! They have different colored eyes and hair. Oh look at that, they're with Kenzie Hood too. Well, thats not them because of the hair and eyes.'" I sarcastically said, they put the contacts in and I had to admit, they somehow looked really good reversing eye colors. Then they put the wigs on. 

Harry had a blond wig that was long and curly like his old hair. 

Niall had dark brown hair in a short quiff

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Niall had dark brown hair in a short quiff.

(A/N Yes I realize Niall's hair isn't brown but I couldn't find an edit like that

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(A/N Yes I realize Niall's hair isn't brown but I couldn't find an edit like that. BTW Neither of these edits are mine lol I'm not that talented.)

We shopped around for hours, I got at least eleven new outfits and several shoes. Harry and Niall each bought me a dress, I don't know why but they did. Nobody recognized us which I was thankful for.

I giggled as Harry 'danced' to the music in H&M while we shopped in there. "Excuse me sir, we are gonna need you to lea- Holy shit you're Harry Styles!" A worker began, I busted up laughing hanging onto Niall I was laughing so hard.

"Hi, love." He grinned, his face was red from trying not to laugh. 

The worker stood in disbelief, "Uh- I'm so sorry but my boss asked me to tell you to leave. I'm really sorry."

Harry chuckled, "It's alright love, bye!" He said, we all laughed out of the store "Alright, Kenz, did you know in a week it's gonna be Ashton's birthday?"

I widened my eyes, "Thats next week!?" I questioned, Niall and Harry laughed nodding their heads. "Shit, I've gotta do something big." I sighed, what were good ideas? He's turning 23.

"Eh you'll figure it out." Niall smirked, I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder.

"Fuck you." I laughed, suddenly I noticed a familiar boy, "Landon!" I called jogging over to him trying to not drop all my bags.

"Kenzie!" He laughed, "What's up?" He asked, his friends looked me up and down making me feel uncomfortable, they probably saw the pictures.

"Hey, uh nothing. I'm just here with some friends." I said rubbing my arm awkwardly as his friends continued to look me up and down. 

"Yeah I'm here with these guy-" He paused as he looked over at his friends and rolled his eyes, "Knock it off" He snapped and hit the guy closest, "This is John, Shane and Kieth. Guys, this is Kenzie, the girl I met at the uh the party I went to Friday." I furrowed my eyebrows and he just smiled awkwardly at me.

I shrugged, "Uh yup. That's me." 

"Trust us, doll. We know who you is." The Shane guy chuckled and licked his lips, Landon rolled his eyes and hit his friends again.

"Alright, uh I gotta get back to my friends now. I'll text you!" I said turning around to see Niall and Harry arguing.

I rolled my eyes and walked over, "Oh hey." Niall wiggled his eyebrows, "Who was that boy you was talking to?" Niall did his best 'gay accent.'

I rolled my eyes when Harry smiled, grabbed my arm looping it through his, Niall looped his arm around mine and Harry giggled as we walked past Landon and his friends, "Girl oh my gosh! You have so much to tell us! Like who was that?" He copied Niall, I felt my face flush and awkwardly smile at Landon who's face was red too as we passed.

Once we got out of the mall I shoved them away, "What was that for?" I asked.

They giggled like school girls and got into the car, "Girl he was fineee." Niall continued, I giggled and bit my lip.

"You like him!" Harry squealed and Niall giggled again, I rolled my eyes and shoved them.

"You guys suck." I told them, they laughed like their normal selves and turned up the radio.

Suddenly Niall turned back to look at me, "Do you sing?"

I shrugged, "I'm not very good at it." I admitted, Landon thought it sounded good when I sang but I didn't think it was that good."

Harry almost slammed on the breaks and grinned turning back at me "Landon? Is that the boy from the mall?" I nodded, "You sang for him!?"

I rolled my eyes, "He asked me to!" I defended myself, Niall and Harry turned to eachother and grinned and then nodded, they must know what their thinking because they were best friends for like five years almost six.

"So if we ask you to sing for us will you?" Niall grinned and stuck his bottom lip out, harry copying him.

I shrugged, "It was different."

"So! Please!!" Harry begged, I sighed and nodded, "Okay, we chose the song!"

They discussed the song and eventually came up with 'Only Girl in the World'.

(If you wanna hear how Kenzie sings theres a video of Ariana Grande singing the song at the top.)

---After the song---

They just stared at me for about two minutes before clapping and cheering, I blushed and looked down.

"You're amazing!" Harry stated.

"You sound so good!" Niall grinned and high fived me, "Do the lads know?" He asked as he pulled into the house.

I shook my head and kissed both their cheeks, "Bye guys, thanks for the stuff." I said grabbing my many bags.

They nodded and said goodbye, the lads weren't home yet so I just went upstairs and decided to try on my new clothes.

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