Landon Lance pt 2

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"Just do it!" I gigged as Landon stood on the diving board in the pool, he was scared of heights so of course when he came over and saw the diving board and made a comment about how he hated heights to told him to jump off it. Not gonna lie, the end of the pool where the diving board was at was 12ft and the diving board was tall as hell.

"I'm scared!" He yelled, I was standing in the 5'ft side of the pool so I didn't fucking drown in the 12ft area. Suddenly he was backing up and then running forward but at the last moment he stopped but the water on the diving board disagreed with his option because he slipped on the water and did a fucking belly flop on accident into the water.

"Shit!" I giggled, he sank to the bottom of the pool and didn't move. My eyes widened and I tried to swim over to the 12 feet but I suck at swimming so I couldn't stay there. "LANDON!?" I screamed as tears flooded my vision. I took a breath and swam over to the deep end again and let the breath out and then took another breath and held it and dove down as far as I could, I opened my eyes and realized I was close to Landon I so dove a little deeper and grabbed him. 

God even under water he was heavy. I started needing air but he was so heavy but I made it to the top without drowning, I took a breath of air coughing some water out and then went back underwater and pushed Landon over the top of the pool onto land. I jumped out and ran over to him. I pressed on his chest doing CPR and then plugged his nose and went to blow air into him but suddenly he was kissing me and laughing his ass off.

"You are such a dick!" I screamed at him and shoved him so I could stand up, "I though you were fucking dead!"

He continued to laugh but then smiled. "That belly flop hurt." He chuckled and sat up, I rolled my eyes and turned away from him pouting. "Just so you know I can hold my breath for five minutes."

"Well good for you, asshole." I pouted and turned around to him

He laughed and slipped into the water swimming over to the 5'5 area, I walked over there too standing on the edge still pouting. "Get in the water." He ordered, I rose an eyebrow, "Please." He begged, I bit my lip so I wouldn't laugh "Pwease." He said in a baby voice.

"No." I giggled, "I'm still mad at you, you dick."

He chuckled, "But I'm lonely in here." He pouted again and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, sir. I will not get in that water." I told him, suddenly he was grabbing my ankle pulling me into the water. I screamed and then giggled.

"Thanks for saving me." He smirked as he pulled me closer to him, I rolled my eyes and held onto his neck as we stood in the water. "You look hot right now."

I blushed and looked down biting my lip again, "You don't." I teased and looked up at him again, the truth was, he looked so fucking good, between the lights in the pool and the string lights that were above the pool (Pic at top just imagine it being really deep at one end and also have a diving board) he looked so good. Water dripping off his hair onto his beautifully shaped face, his small smirk and his blue eyes reflecting off the water. He looked so good, especially when water would run down his perfectly shaped abs.

We stood there for a good two minutes before some lights came on in the house. My eyes widened and I swam to the other edge of the pool and grabbed my phone, it was only 12:00 in the morning.

Landon was staring wide eyed at the house and I looked at our clothes all the way on the table outside, no we weren't skinny dipping, he was in his underwear and I was in my underwear and my bra but still. The boys would kill me. But that can't be the boys.

"Who would be home?" Landon asked, I shrugged.

"It wouldn't be the boys, they went clubbing." I whispered, we both just stood there for several minutes as there were footsteps in the house, I was terrified, was someone breaking in? I bit my lip and looked around. "Just be quiet and maybe they'll leave." I suggested, but they didn't leave and in fact I heard the blinds opening so I just looked at Landon.

"Shit." He mumbled, suddenly four people walked out and my eyes widened and I wanted to die.

"Well, well, well."

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