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Yesterday I had fun, I really did. The boys did a good job taking my mind off of the burning ache to smoke a joint or get high. They did a good job distracting me from making reckless behavior even though I wanted to.

But, they were all gone today and I had those aches, my mouth was begging for a joint or a brownie and my mind wanted to go spray paint the side of a wall. I wanted to do something,and I wanted to do it bad.

Naturally what did I do? I left the house around 12pm while Luke was with Arzaylea, Michael with Crystal and Ash and Calum watch TV like usual I then walked down to Corey's place. 

"Hey, babe." He greeted me followed by a sloppy kiss and a small smack on my tush. "We're bored." He stated, Ron and Soph nodding aswell.

I smiled, "Well, why don't we go spray paint some wall somewhere." I smirked with the wiggle of my eyebrows, they all cheered and jumped up, Soph dragged me to a room where she handed me a jean jacket. "What's this for?" I asked, she giggled.

"I don't know, I thought it would look cute on you." She shrugged, I smiled and rolled my eyes before we walked out to the living room where Corey handed me a can of black spray paint. 

"Let's do this!" Ron yelled and we all walked outside, we walked around for a very fucking long time before we reached a bad part of town where cops often  patrolled, it wasn't the worst part of town but it was a nasty worn down place.

We found an old gas station and walked behind it and began spray painting, laughing and joking as we did so. Suddenly sirens were heard, police sirens. We all exchanged looks and took off running. the police car stopped and two officers got out. They chased up forever but gave up when we jumped over a fence they couldn't.

I leaned over putting my hands on my knees and panting, the other three did the same making me giggle. "That was fun." Ron breathed and high-fived me and Soph, Corey was laughing his ass off and shook his head.

"We should do dangerous things more often."

And thats what we did.

__The next day__

"Those are bug purses." Corey stated looking at Soph and I's new purses. 

Her and I exchanged looks before saying, "It's for the clothes." She winked and opened the car door. We walking into an expensive store going to the back and looking at clothes. Soph looked out for anyone while Ron hacked in and took down their security cameras.

Did I ever mention Ron is very good with technology?

 I stuffed dresses Soph and I's size into my purse and then nodded to her while I looked out for people, suddenly a little girl was running up to me with her mom.

"You're Mackenzie Hood!" She squealed, Corey gave me a warning look from across the store and I sighed.

"Uh yeah, how are you?" I asked quietly, the mom smiled and took her daughters hand.

"Baby girl, she seems busy. Lets not bother her." She smiled, I smiled at her before my eyes widened, did she see us?

"Ah I'm not busy, want a picture? Autograph?" I tried to play it off, I saw Sophia walk off from the corner of my eye sending me a warning look like Corey. The little girl nodded and hugged me while her mom took a picture. 

I smiled at the girl as she told me her name and then her mom drug her away from me. I stood up and smiled to myself, someone recognized me. Someone wanted my picture. Was I famous? 

I saw Sophia pay for something so we didn't look suspicious so I grabbed a cute leather jacket and walked over to the register. I placed it down and the cashier smiled and scanned it.

"That'll be 99.23" I nodded and handed her a hundred dollar bill and a one dollar bill from the wallet I had in my hand since my purse was in, I guess use.

She took it and gave me some change before bagging my item and saying goodbye. I turned around to see Corey in line going to buy a pair of ripped black jeans. I nodded to him and walked out the door to the truck. Sophia was sitting in there laughing with Ron who was still hacking the cameras so they couldn't access them. Suddenly Corey was opening the door and jumping in.

"That was fun." I smirked and kissed his cheek. 

"Yes, it was." Soph laughed and hugged me, "We got sweet clothes." She winked at me and looked at the blue dress I stole in my bag.

"What can I say? I have style." I giggled 

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