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I stumbled out of the car waving to Corey and rushed into the house. I smelt like smoke, I was still high. I ran past the kitchen yelling, "I have to pee!" and went to the hallway bathroom.

I shut the door locking it and looked in the mirror, my eyes were slightly red and I smelt so much like smoke. I groaned and noticed the bags under my eyes. I wiped my face down seeing eyedrops on the counter and put them in hoping it would help my red eyes.

"Kenz, are you okay in there?" Michael's voice asked but it was all distorted, oh my god I ate a pot brownie right before we left. I'm about to get high.

I groaned "Michael?" I said, hearing a 'yeah' back I continued, "I fell in mud at the park can I shower before dinner?"

I heard a sigh and then a "Yeah sure. Hurry please." And footsteps walking away. I slowly opened the door and ran upstairs and to my room. I threw my bag down and rushed to my bathroom locking the door. I showered and got all new clothes. I put on long sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt not bothering to put on a bra. I looked at myself and I looked normal other then the fact I was about to get high in ten minutes.

"Kenzie! Dinner! It's gonna get cold!" I groaned and slowly went downstairs.

I could already feel it setting in. I watched as the curtains came to life, the couch grow legs, I walked into the kitchen seeing the boys' faces all swirly and messed up.

I let a giggle out, "Whats- your faces!" I giggled and they all exchanged glances.

"Are you okay?" Calum asked me. I nodded my head for a minute before sitting down.

I looked down at the pizza, it had a mouth and eyes, "Don't eat me!" It squeaked.

I let a gasp out, "I-I can't eat this!" I said poking at it.

"What's going on?" Luke asked making me look up at him. His face was all red and his mouth was drooping.

I giggled continually, "Lukey! Your facey!" I stated pointing at it. I started giggling non stop and thats when someone lifted me up and took me to their room.

I looked around seeing Michael and Ashton pacing, "Ashy! Mikey!" I yelled holding my arms out.

Michael looked at me, "Kenzie. I need you to be honest. Did you smoke anything? Eat anything?"

Lie, Kenzie. You have to lie. Someone inside me said making me sigh.

"Yeah." I giggled, "When I was walking home from the park a guy handed me a brownie and I was hungry so I ate it."

They exchanged glances and sighed. "Sit here." Ashton said and they both walked downstairs. I giggled and followed.

"She's high." I heard Ashton say.

"What the fuck!? How !?" Calum yelled.

Michael sighed, "She said some guy approached her on her walk home and gave her a brownie."

"Fuck!" Luke yelled.

Thats when I fell down the stairs and laid there giggling. The four of them rushed over and sighed.

"Just put her in bed." Someone said, I couldn't tell cause all their voices were high-pitched.

I giggled as Luke picked me up and brought me to my room.

"Goodnight, Kenz." He sighed placing me on my bed. I didn't feel tired though so I just giggled.

"Lukeee I don't wanna sleep!" I said grabbing his lip. I felt a hole on his lip. When I looked over at it it was a giant hole. "Luke someone shot you!" I cried sitting up, he sighed and pushed me down again.

"Go to sleep, love." Luke said and suddenly he started to sing a song, his voice soothing me to sleep and before I knew it I was out.


I groaned as I walked downstairs remembering everything from yesterday. They were already all awake and setting five plates out with biscuits and gravy.

"Morning." I grumbled sitting down. They all smiled and responded.

We all sat down eating in silence, they made damn good biscuits and gravy honestly.

After eating a bunch of biscuits and gravy I took everybodies plates and sighed.

"I'm sorry I took that brownie from a stranger yesterday." I apologized remembering the lie.

They all laughed, "Don't do it again. But it was entertaining." Calum laughed making me giggle. I sighed.

"I'm sure it was." We all went and plopped down on the couch. Calum and Michael grabbed remotes passing them around. Ashton didn't want to play so I was stuck playing four player black ops with the boys.

One thing, I loved black ops 3 and was insanely good. Mainly because I spent hours playing with Rebecca on the weekdays.

"Game on." I smirked.


A few hours later we were all sprawled out on the couches on our phones, I was texting Corey.

From: Corey ;)

tbh you looked so hot last night.

I blushed hiding my giggle in

From: Corey ;)

Hopefully we didn't get you in trouble. ;)

To: Corey ;)

Nope. I did yell at a pizza I couldn't eat it because it was talking to me though.

From: Corey ;)

BAHAHAHAHA nice. I bet that was hot to see.

I blushed again texting him back.

Suddenly Michael jumped up.

"Lets go BOWLING!"

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