"Crystal Leigh"

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+++_Crystal Leigh's POV_+++

As I walked upstairs so go to Michael's room I couldn't help but look at what I'm told is Kenzie's room.I know what she does. I'm not oblivious. I've seen people when they smoke joints all the time, I know she's doing everything for some dumb guy. It just sucks none of the guys know.

I slowly cracked open her door seeing her laying on her bed a pillow in her face to block out her sobs. Her whole body was shaking. I could feel my heart shatter as she looked up and saw me. Her face was all red and her eyes puffy, her nose was all red and she had tears down her cheeks.

She widened her eyes and tried to wipe her tears but they kept streaming down her face. "Hi." I said in a whisper, I walked in the rest of the way and shut the door behind me. "You can trust me. I wont tell the boys." I said with a smile. 

"H-Hi." She stuttered out, I guess hearing her voice made her sad again because she started to tremble with tears again.

I walked over and sat on her bed, "I know we've never interacted but, do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, she smiled sadly and let a soft laugh out.

"I'm fine." She said as serious as she could, I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I know you aren't, tell me what's on your mind." I paused "It's a guy." Her eyes widened and she sighed nodding her head. I could tell she felt vulnerable 

"I-I don't know I feel like I'm being stupid but the boys are so freaking bipolar!" She began, "I mean, a month ago they would tell me when to be home, every time I left the house they all hugged me and said goodbye and now I barely get a goodbye when I leave! They don't bother asking where I'm going they don't bother asking who I'm meeting, they don't ask how it was or if I had fun but they have the decency to tell me I can't wear something!" She ranted making me relate. "I love them, I do but god! I want a family." She said tears flooding out of her eyes, "They don't notice how I never sleep, they don't check on me in the middle of the night anymore, I'm not even here half the time when I'm supposed to be sleeping. They aren't a fucking family anymore. Ashton and Calum are out having affairs with married women which kills me and Luke's been a dick since he started going out with Arzaylea again, I mean Michael's fine because he's not a dick and from what I hear your super sweet but the other three just fucking blow me off." 

She took another breath and let a sob out.

"I don't like who I am right now but I can't change it. I met this guy two months ago and he's made me who I am but I like him. Oh my god I like him so much but he's a dick." She shook her head her lips trembling, "I don't want to though." 

I sighed and pulled her into my arms as she let sobs out trying to stop them. Suddenly she pulled away and looked at me with such sad eyes and shook her head.

"I'm gonna throw up." She admitted and quickly jumped up and ran into her bathroom hurling over the toilet. I hurried and followed her so many things going through my mind.

I sat on the edge of her bathtub holding her long locks back and rubbing her back. She threw up again and looked up at me.

"I'm so sorry I don't know where all that came from-"

I cut her off, "It's okay. I'm here to listen." She laughed with a smile tears filling her eyes again before she leaned over and threw up again. A few hurls later she was brushing her teeth and plopped down on her bed again. I followed her and smiled, "Anything else?"

"Thank you for listening to me rant." She giggled and shook her head, "But Mike's probably wondering where you are."

I sighed and stood up, "Please just get me if you ever need to talk. Anytime anywhere. I'm here." I advised her and handed her my phone number. 

"Thank you, Crystal." She said with a smile and set it on her night stand. 

I smiled back and said, "Your welcome." And opened her door slipping out and shutting it again, I looked down to see Ashton laying there sadly. "Ashton, what the hell are you doing!?" I whisper yelled.

He looked up at me with red teary eyes, and said, "Is that what she really thinks of us?"

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