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Luckily my period only lasts three days. But it's three painful days where I feel like vomiting and ripping peoples skulls out and becoming a man so I didn't have a period. Sadly I couldn't though.

It has currently been around two months since they adopted me and it was annoying. Calum was all kind and nice for the three days of my period but once he caught wind I was better he stopped.

I haven't gone to Corey's house in a few days because of my period and his parents are going out of town again today so naturally already dressed to go down to his house. 

I walked downstairs seeing the boys in the living room with their girlfriends and Calum and Ash gaming while the others watched. 

"I'm going out again!" I yelled I heard mumbles of okay before Michael appeared in front of me.

"Where do you go all day?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes and let a soft bitter laugh out, "Why do you care, Micahel? You're out shagging your girlfriend all day." 

He sighed, "I'm sorry." I rolled my eyes and walked around him, "You know Luke and Calum wouldn't approve of your outfit." continued to walk until he said, "And why is your face suddenly breaking out and why is there weird peeling things on your arms?"

I froze, they were from the joints. "Bye, Michael." I replied my internal emotions grimacing at how he noticed. I continued to walk all the way to Corey's house. I opened the door and Corey was already up so he walked over and slammed our lips together for a minute and then sat down, "Hello to you too." I muttered and then hugged Soph.

"Hey, girl." She said and handed me a joint. I smiled lamely and took it lighting it quickly. I took a few puffs before Ron spoke up.

"Is anyone else bored?" He questioned and I rose my hand along with the other two. Ron smirked and walked off and then came back later with four bags and all black clothes. He threw black leggings at me and Soph and black jeans at Corey, he already had black jeans on.

He then threw tight black zip up jackets at Soph and I, I followed Soph who was really confused as to what we were doing but I wasn't. We were gonna do something illegal. Her and I changed and walked out to see the boys in similar black clothing. 

"Lets go." Corey smirked and handed me a backpack before whispering in my ear, "You butt looks amazing in those." and then proceeded to slap it and walk off.

I wearily followed them down a few streets and to a gas station. My eyes widened and I realized what we were doing. We were gonna rob a store. Sophia stopped too wide eyed and looked at me as if pleading me to not do this.

I sighed and walked into the gas station with them after putting my head up and taking a mask that Corey distributed. 

We walked in and immediately Ron and Corey pulled guns out of their bags yelling at the cashier to put his hands up and give us money. I grabbed my bag and unzipped it and saw a black gun in there. I picked it up slowly.

"Oh my god." I said loudly making the cashier look at me, I shook my head and grabbed the bag throwing it over my shoulder and took off out the door. I ran all the way back to Corey's house and stripped out of my clothes and put my original clothes on. I ran to Coreys bathroom and threw the black clothes and backpack into the shower and turned it on and then took the gun out throwing it under the water so  my fingerprints weren't on there. 

Suddenly the gun began to make crackling sounds before going off everywhere.  I screamed as it wouldn't stop firing. I grabbed my phone dialing Harry but he didn't answer. 

"FUCK." I screamed and finally it ran out of ammunition. I let a sob out and fell to the floor. I watched the water rinse the bags and clothes, the shower had bullet holes in it now. 

After a few minutes I stood up and took of the mask throwing it under the water too. After it had rinsed it completely I shut the water off and walked into the living room. I gathered the rest of my stuff and then walked out the door. I heard the sirens already and Soph and the boys came running towards the house. 

I gulped and took off running so they wouldn't see me. I saw people give me weird looks as I raced past them on the streets.  I made it home and ran inside breathless still shaken up from the running and what happened.

"Kenzie!?" I heard the boys yell and run over to me, "Oh thank god you're okay!" Luke yelled and grabbed me into a hug along with the other guys. Suddenly I realized that I was loved by them, maybe I shouldn't hangout with Corey. I have these guys.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at them, "Four kids robbed the gas station over there." Michael explained. I widened my eyes, oh my god. I am fucked. 

"How did you know so quickly?"

Now it was their turn to furrow their eyebrows, "Wait, how did you know?" Michael asked eyeing me suspiciously. I gulped and shifted uncomfortably under their strong gaze.

It didn't take long for Arzaylea to come up from behind me putting a hand on my shoulder laughing bitterly, jesus. The boys watcher her with weird looks.

"Are you guys stupid?" She asked. 

I tensed up, something bad was about to happen. They boys shook their heads 'no' making her giggle.

"Silly, silly boys. Your precious sister was involved."

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