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I didn't go home last night. I couldn't. I was scared of what the boys would say, I was scared of what they might do. Being in this situation reminded me of my real parents. 

It reminded me of when my mom and I would go to a hotel for a night because my dad was drunk and angry. It reminded me of how he would hit her, it hurt being reminded of that. It also reminded me of how my mom was taken away from me yet my fathers still alive, he's still out there. Luckily locked up but still, people escape all the time? Don't they?

Anyway, instead of going home Harry and I messed around. No, not like that, we went to a 24/7 McDonalds and bought a shit ton of food, we then proceeded to call Niall and Liam at 1 o'clock in the morning.

We had to tell Niall there would be food and Liam that there would be no spoons, (I still don't understand why he's scared of spoons (I also think he was going to come anyway but as a joke he made us promise there would be no spoons))  we tried to get Louis to come but he had to watch his baby.

So, here we are, one in the morning four fifths of the One Direction were gathered around a table at McDonalds, I swear Niall was drooling all over the food in front of him but we still continued to lay out rules.

"You have to eat both Big Macs, the entire large fries and eat the 8 count nuggets and you have to finish the five apple pies." Harry explained, the boys nodded and I grinned looking at them, I was fucking hungry, I didn't eat dinner only the pies Harry got for me and him at 11. "There's four of us so we can do teams."

"I call Kenzie!" Niall yelled and I grinned and scooted next to him high fiving him. "We gonna win!"

"Awesome, I haven't eaten anything put pie and cereal all day." I joked and scooted next to Niall, we high fived and then looked at the other three who were talking in a hush whisper, "You ready?"

"Love, I was born ready." 

"Losers have to do whatever the winners want for 24 hours." Liam suggested, we all agreed and got ready.

I giggled and the other two sat up straight, "Alright, on your marks, get set, go!"

So we dug in, Niall and I stuffing the Big Mac in our mouth followed by several fries, I didn't pay attention to the other three so I could go faster, I finished the first Big Mac and saw Niall already halfway done with his Big Mac. I continued stuffing fries and Big Mac bites into my mouth. Finally I finished the big mac and still had fries left and the nuggets. I took a sip of Coke and stuffed two nuggets in my mouth and then fries. 

I noticed Niall was done and I had like 2 nuggets left and three fries. I stuffed the fries in my mouth and then stuffed one nugget in and then the last. I groaned and grabbed the first  apple pie and stuffed it in my mouth.

"Almost there!" Niall yelled cheering me on, I finished the first apple pie and then moved onto the second eating that.

"I'm gonna barf." I heard Liam mumble from across the table, I looked up to see Harry finished and Liam on his third pie.

I stuffed the rest of the second in my mouth and then opened the third, I'm gonna barf too. I swallowed the rest of the second and immediately shoved more then half of the third one in my mouth quickly chewing and swallowing, I finished that one and grabbed the last, I could hear Niall cheering me on and Harry cheering Liam on. 

I opened the fourth one while I finished the third and then quickly swallowed and started to eat the fourth one, I took a large bite out of the fourth one and then groaned, "I'm gonna barf." I grumbled while chewing the apple pie.

"You're so close! Almost there!" Niall continued, I finished the fourth one and grabbed the fifth trying not to vomit, I watched Liam open his fifth miserably and I did the same, I groaned and took a breath before shoving almost all the pie in my mouth, I swallowed it and then shoved the last little bit in my mouth, I was about to swallow when Liam threw his hands up.

"Done!" He yelled, I groaned and swallowed, I leaned back holding my stomach, the others laughed while Liam hunched over mumbling he was gonna be sick.

"Damnit."  I sighed and sat up, "Sorry Niall." I frowned, he laughed and shrugged.

"We were close at least." He smiled.

I laughed before remembering how much food I fucking ate and how fast I ate it, I immediately stopped laughing and widened my eyes, "I'm gonna be sick." I said not sure if I actually was gonna be sick.

Liam looked up, "Same." He moaned and held his stomach, "I haven't eaten that much in ages."

I nodded and then sat up, "I'm gonna go barf now." I partially joked but as I stood up I could feel my stomach turning and then I remembered something, "Fuck." I mumbled, they all gave me weird looks and I gulped, "I'm allergic to fucking apples."

So, with that I was running into the bathrooms and leaned over the toilet while I hurled nothing out, it was like when you finish throwing up and theres nothing left in your stomach but you still like throw nothing up because your stomach is an asshole, except for I hadn't thrown anything up yet. 

I hurled again but nothing came out, finally I hurled once again and I threw up, by that time Niall was holding my hair back while the other two were doing who knows what. 

"You're allergic to apples? That must suck." Niall joked attempting to lighten the mood of me throwing up in front of three world famous guys. 

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