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"Where are we going?" I whined, Landon laughed and rolled his eyes, took them off the road and looked at me.

"For the thousandth time, it's a surprise." He told me, I giggled and bit my lip, he turned his attention back to the road. The sun was already setting so the street lights were on and the lighting on his face was beautiful.

Finally he pulled into a parking space, I grinned and looked around, "We're at the beach?" I questioned, he nodded and got out of the car, he opened my door and held his hand out for me to get out of the tall car.

I took it and he held on to my hand so I laced our fingers together. He led me onto the sand and thats when I saw the cliche but cute as hell date he had planned.

There was a blanket with a big ass picnic basket on it and a bottle of wine, there were cute lights around it, "I love it." I told him, he laughed.

"Good." He smiled and we sat on the sand, "You told me you liked the stars and the beach so I decided to do this." He admitted.

"I'm glad because it's beautiful." I giggled, he opened the picnic basket revealing the most wonderful food, there was pizza. "Oh my god, you're my favorite person ever." I told him as he took out the box of pizza, thats why the picnic basket was so fucking big.

"I thought so." He laughed, we took three pieces of pizza to start off, eating all of it while joking and telling funny stories.

I found out he loved candy and had a weird thing with elephants which I thought was adorable but he was embarrassed by. I told him I had a weird obsession with Chic Fil A which he agreed to having aswell which made me like him even more.

"Okay, so I really really like this show called Parks and Recreation-"

"I LOVE THAT SHOW." I yelled, he laughed and I looked down embarrassed, "Sorry, continue."

"Ya know, I think the wine is getting to you." He teased looking at my empty glass I've refilled three times. Don't judge me.

It was cool because with Landon, I was myself, I forgot all about *Voldemort* and what happened and it was like I didn't have to worry about him, he was a nice guy, really nice. "Sure, Mr. Four Glasses of Wine." I retorted and followed it with a giggle, "How did you even get the wine?"

He smirked and put his finger to his lips, "Shhhhh, I'm 21." He said holding up an ID. My eyes widened and I busted out laughing.

"Really?" I asked not totally sure if he was serious or joking. "Because I'm sixteen so..."

He chuckled, "You're adorable, no, I'm 17. It's a fake ID."

I gasped dramatically, "Oooh you rebel." I teased, "You're a bad boy, Mr. Lance." I told him squinting my eyes at him, I was leaning on my hands on the sand and he was next to me.

"Really?" He smirked at me.

I nodded, "You're such a bad boy. I'm scared." I continued.

"Ah I'm so glad." He rasped and then moved his hand to the other side of me and was over me, I widened my eyes and bit my lip to keep from grinning widely. He lowered his lips slightly like he was going to kiss me so I stopped biting my lip and giggled.

"Bite me." I giggled, he bursted out laughed and pushed his hand off away from me and fell on his back laughing at my comment. I had to admit I kind of regretted saying that because I wanted him to kiss me.

"You're too much." He said catching his breath, I bit my lip and blushed looking down, "But for real, can I kiss you?" he asked. HE ASKED! HE IS SO FUCKING POLITE HE ASKED TO KISS ME.

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