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"Happy birthday." The boys grinned walking over to me each giving me a hug.

So this is why they didn't call me home, they were planning. Smart, smart boys. Ehh other then the fact they dropped out of school and Ash thinks baby turtles are tad poles.

"Thanks guys!" I said in awe watching a bunch of celebrities walk around greeting each other.

"No problem. You're turning the big sixteen! We had to do something big." Michael shrugged.

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "You guys, there is a bunch of FAMOUS people here."

Luke laughed, "We're famous." He stated cockily.

I smirked, "Eh not really." They all let out dramatic offensed gasps and made offended poses.

"How rude!" Michael hollered making me giggle. They all busted out laughing.

"Lets introduce you to people." Luke said grabbing my hand dragging me to someone with short brown hair.

I sighed as Luke tapped his back, he turned around and I gasped my eyes going wide.

"Harry Styles!?" I squealed looking at him, he laughed and smiled at me taking my breath away. Oh my god I'm meeting 1/5 of One Direction.

"Hello, love. You must be Mackenzie Hood?" He smirked pulling me into a hug.

I AM HUGGING HARRY STYLES! I REPEAT I AM HUGGING THE HARRY STYLES. I kept my fan girling inside as he talked to Luke and I. Suddenly there was someone walking up from behind us.

"Luke? Where the birthday girl?" An Irish accent asked making me whip around before hitting Lukes stomach because he was standing behind me. He laughed and moved me aside. God he is a giant.

"Niall Horan!?" I squealed again and I heard Harry laugh from behind us.

"Careful, love. He'll eat all your food." He said walking around and patting Niall on the back.

Niall blushed but looked at me, "So you're the birthday girl. Mackenzie is it?" He asked his accent making me swoon.

I nodded my head and he pulled my into a hug. Oh my god

I AM HUGGING NIALL HORAN! I feel like I'm gonna piss myself I'm so happy.

"Nice to see 2/5ths of One Direction re-united for my birthday." I laughed as I pulled out of Niall's hug,

"Don't you mean 3/5ths?" another accent came from behind Niall. Liam Payne.

OH My God. Best day ever!!! "Liam Payne!?" I said still in disbelief. He laughed and brought me into a hug. "Don't be getting anyone pregnant today please." I teased and he went red the other laughing.

Suddenly a loud "Ta Da"! came from behind Harry, Harry sighed and scooted over revealing Louis Tomlinson.

"Louis Tomlinson!?" I yelled in awe again, he squealed and jumped up and down making me giggle.

"Mackenzie Hood!?" He squeaked pulling me into a hug too.

"Don't get anyone pregnant either." I warned him like I did Liam.

He laughed, "It'll be hard. All the girls just want me." He sighed dramatically.

"Don't you mean all the girls want me?" A bradford accent said walking next to Liam. Zayn MALIK

I almost screamed but I didn't. I let a breath out and stared at the god in awe. I just stared at him taking his beauty in. He laughed awkwardly and shyly making me snap out of my trance.

"Zayn Malik!?" I yelled loudly. He laughed.

"Mackenzie, nice to meet you." At first I thought he was going to hug me so I hugged him until I realized he was going to shake my hand.

Fucking awkward.

I pulled away and played it off like nothing happened.

"5/5 members of One Direction are here!" I squealed and took my phone out, "Pose! I'm gonna take a picture!" I ordered, they all got together smiling like the old 2015. I took a picture.

Today was the best day of my life.

After talking to One Direction for awhile I realized Luke left so I wandered off to find one of the boys when suddenly someone was walking up to me with a squeal.

"Are you Mackenzie?" A girl asked three other girls walking over to.


I nodded my head unable to speak from excitement. I loved these girls.

"Do you know who we are?" Jade asked tilting her head to the side.

"Little Mix!" I squeaked out they all grinned and pulled me in for a group hug.

I am in heaven.


For another few hours I was introduced and talked to people until everyone was gone and I was happily laying on my bed.

"Did you like that party?" Calum asked coming into my room laying next to me. I sighed out smiling.

"I loved it, thank you guys so much." I said rolling over and hugging him.

"GROUP HUG!" Michael yelled coming out from nowhere.

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