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Needless to say I was embarrassed and Mike, Ash and I walked out to the entrance to the mall to leave with our heads low. As I lifted my head I noticed the fans outside the door. I gulped and felt Michael and Ashton grab my hands on each side. Luke looked back making sure we were okay as he opened the door.

Calum went first then Luke then Michael, Luke and I went side by side. Their screams went loud as they walked out. There was around 90-100 fans around the door. I could feel them try to grab at me but only got Michael and Ashton where they immediately stopped once hitting them.

Then they got smart. They went behind us harassing us, they yelled at me, yelled at the boys how much they loved them. I was fine until a fan grabbed my hair ripping it back.

I let a painful scream out as she wouldn't let go. Ashton and Michael immediately whipped around yelling at the fan to let go. This caused Luke to turn around to see what the yelling was about. When the fan wouldn't let go Luke stepped in yelling at the fan too. Finally she let go but others had the same idea as her so Luke grabbed me lifting me up onto his shoulders.

I felt so small, he could easily just do that? I mean he was very strong. We made it away from the girls but Luke still let me sit on his shoulders. Calum showed up pulling the car around with a concerned face.

"Are you okay, Kenz?" He asked opening the vans doors. I nodded my head and was let down from Luke's shoulders climbing inside the car.

We all sat there in silence as Calum drove back. It was slightly awkward until Luke spoke up.

"I'm sorry, Kenzie. We just don't want you to attract any unwanted attention with clothes." He stated looking at me. I shrugged.

"It wouldn't really." I argued making Calum visibly tighten his grip on the steering wheel.

"Kenz, yes it would. The skirt was tight and so was the shirt and it was cropped too." Luke argued and I rolled my eyes.

"I have clothes like that already." I angrily responded.

Luke huffed out, "Maybe we should get rid of those too?" He asked raising his voice slightly. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please just raid my closet why don't you!?" I yelled and sat back into the seat.

"Will you just accept the fact that those clothes draw attention to yourself!?" Luke yelled back shocking me.

I rolled my eyes once again, "I like them!"

"Yeah I bet rapists would too!" He yelled again making me roll my eyes for the millionth time, "If you keep rolling your eyes like that they're gonna get stuck in the back of your head." He spat.

"Good, then maybe I wont be able to see the clothes I like that you dont!" I yelled

"Wouldn't that be nice!?" He laughed angrily.

"Yeah it would be nice! It's just clothes, Luke!"

"But it's revealing!" I let a bitter laugh out, "Yeah laugh about it but who's fault is it going to be when you get raped!?"

"Not the clothes, that's for sure!" I snarled.

"Yes it is! When you're dressed like that it shows off your body!"

"God, just let me be a teenage, Luke! I just want to look good, Luke! Don't you!?"

"No! I don't need to impress my girlfriend!"

"Well good for you! I'm single and want to impress someone!"

"You're 15, Mackenzie!"

"So! I'm 16 in a week!"

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